Demo Tarot reading regarding wealth



Question from the querent:

– Is there money in my future?

Before we get started, you should know that I’m here to provide guidance, not to predict the future, I’m not a fortune-teller, but a spiritual guide. I will not sugar-coat my message, I will provide straight and honest answers. I can only show you the opportunities and what your options are at this moment in time, and you’ve got to understand that the decisions are yours to take and you are the only one who can actually do something to change things in your life. Wealth, love, enlightenment, health and any other ‘good things’ (bad included) don’t just happen in one’s life. Well, I guess you would argue that some people win the lottery, but those are the very few exceptions to the rule, extraordinary cases, out of the ordinary. Read more Demo Tarot reading regarding wealth

Introducing the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck



The Unified Esoteric Tarot deck is a standard 78 cards Tarot deck, resulted from 25 years of research, study and practical experience of card reading. The main idea at the foundation of this deck was to reveal the hidden connection between all the branches of the esoteric sciences and provide a very intuitive instrument both for beginner and advanced Tarot practitioners. I provide a modern instrument of self-exploration and development based on both the ancient teachings and modern psychology. Read more Introducing the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck