3-card readings 01/24/2025

Stars – Sacrifice – Empress rev.
Guidance – Introspection – Stubbornness

Card of the day: Sacrifice
Time: 12 AM to 2 PM

“Even if no salvation should come, I want to be worthy of it at every moment.”
Franz Kafka

– What should you focus on today?
– Which are your most hidden feelings? What is your inner driving force?
– What are the things about the outside world you dislike the most? What do you think needs to be changed?

If we call it by its traditional name, the Hanged Man, Sacrifice has a negative, unpleasant vibe. Sacrifice, while not sugarcoating its vibration, gives a better sense to the card.
Primarily, it means you have to give up something in order to get – receive – something.
Secondly, the Sacrifice card is about a new and different perspective. The first step is withdrawal, the second is searching your soul, and the third is looking at the world from a newfound perspective.
The planetary cards represent the aspect called Fall, meaning they are 90 degrees off their domicile. It is an uncomfortable position/situation by default.
Sacrifice represents Neptune visiting Sagittarius, a Water card in a Fire sign, while both are channelling Mutable energy. Altogether, it is quite a volatile situation with unpredictable outcomes.
Traditionally, the Hanged Man has been associated with Judas and suicide. From my experience, self-chosen self-destruction is more reflected by the Little Death (Death) card in reversed position. However, the thirty pieces of silver Judas received for his betrayer fit the pattern of giving something for something. The question is: Is the price worth the sacrifice?
On the other hand, Sacrifice, as a card related to Hermit, is also about withdrawal and a change of perspective. It is a search for answers on the inside regarding the external world. How we look at things now doesn’t work anymore, and we need to find a different approach.
It is another returning theme, but I seriously believe that things will change, and we all need to find new ways of looking at and doing things. The more we resist these changes, the more painful the process will be.
The Sacrifice is not a pleasant position. It is uncomfortable and even painful. It requires adjustment and accommodation. However, the faster you gain clarity, the quicker you can move on.
Today’s reading comprises three Major Arcana cards, two Zodiac signs and one planetary card. These are all powerful external influences.
The Stars offer guidance, Sacrifice introspection, and the reversed Empress stubbornness. It’s unclear whether stubbornness means perseverance and determination or refers to our native resistance to change. Only time will tell.

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