The 32 paths of Wisdom in the Kárpáthy-Smith deck

The 32 paths of Wisdom i

The 32 paths of Wisdom i
The Sefer Yetzirah describes how ‘Yah, Lord of Hosts, God of Israel, the living God, King of the universe, El Shaddai, Merciful and Gracious, High and Exalted, dwelling in eternity, whose name is Holy – He is lofty and holy’ created ‘His universe with thirty-two mystical paths of Wisdom’.
These mysterious ‘thirty-two mystical paths of Wisdom’ are composed by the ‘Ten Sefirot of Nothingness and twenty-two Foundation Letters: three Mothers, seven Doubles and twelve Elementals.’
The Tree of Life’s architecture and the distribution of the twenty-two letters on the Tree differ between the Hebrew and the so-called Hermetic interpretation, respectively it further debated among scholars. The apple of discord Read more The 32 paths of Wisdom in the Kárpáthy-Smith deck

Kárpáthy-Smith Tarot First Limited Edition

Kárpáthy-Smith Tarot

The Rider-Waite Tarot deck was published 111 years ago around this time of the year.
The name of the artist who has drawn the cards, Pamela Colman-Smith, was not even mentioned. Only in recent years, scholars may add the Smith to the name of the deck, in the spirit of the newfound politically correctness.
The Karpathy-Smith deck is a reimagining of the original Rider-Waite Tarot using mixed media techniques, and Read more Kárpáthy-Smith Tarot First Limited Edition

Culture of fear

Culture of fear

Culture of fear
One of my patrons, commented a couple of days ago: ‘I too am finding this a difficult period, everybody I know is downbeat too. I wonder if there are astrological reasons for these troubled times?’

Well, I don’t actually. I’m not that person who checks the chart every day, not even regularly. I think it is important to be aware of the astral circumstances and external influences. Still, Read more Culture of fear

Knowledge and understanding

Understanding and knowledge

Understanding and knowledge
Someone sent me a link to an article about Alchemy, the internet is full of them. Platitudes, I would say, stereotypes, inconsistencies and half-wisdoms for housewife whiches and weekend wizards. As with all the other occult and esoteric topics, most of the available materials are rubbish fake commercial products. The commonly accessible materials are ‘exoteric’ knowledge, as opposed to ‘esoteric’ knowledge, which, by definition, is not at the reach of everyone.
Without an understanding of these matters, it is impossible to discern between fake and real knowledge.
On the other hand, as Gurdjieff noted, “Knowledge is one thing; understanding is another thing. (…) People often confuse these concepts and do not clearly grasp what is the difference between them. Knowledge by itself does not give understanding. Nor is understanding increased by an increase of knowledge alone. Understanding depends upon the relation of knowledge to being. Understanding is the resultant of knowledge and being. And knowledge and being must not diverge too far, otherwise, understanding will prove to be far removed from either. At the same time, the relation of knowledge to being does not change with a mere growth of knowledge. It changes only when the being grows simultaneously with knowledge. In other words, understanding grows only with the growth of being.”
First of all, understanding is interior, while knowledge is exterior – similar to the ‘esoteric’ and ‘exoteric’ concepts.
Secondly, understanding is… More at

Personal counselling and mentoring

Personal counselling and mentoring

Personal counselling and mentoring
Self-development is an on-going and transcending process. By working with the Tarot on daily bases, one can gain guidance and ‘peek behind the scene of life’.
For only $999 per month, one will get Read more Personal counselling and mentoring

General guidance and counselling

General guidance and counselling

General guidance and counselling
Tarot is not a one-shot thing, but a process. A card reading will reveal the snapshot of that moment, but in the very next sequence of time one can step in the other direction, can change its feelings, thoughts, make different decisions and by doing this, the future will be subsequently modified.
For only $100 per month, you will benefit one 10 cards reading every two weeks, respectively, two times a month. Plus Read more General guidance and counselling