One of the frequently debated issues regarding cartomancy is the determination of time. Nowadays, cartomancers use different, sometimes quite out of the box, methods for determining the time associated with the cards. Read more Cartomancy and timing
One of the frequently debated issues regarding cartomancy is the determination of time. Nowadays, cartomancers use different, sometimes quite out of the box, methods for determining the time associated with the cards. Read more Cartomancy and timing
When it comes to the interpretation of the cards, most commonly, people prefer the so-called Waite method associated with the Rider-Waite-Smith deck and subsequently the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Another highly popular method is the one associated with Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot deck. However, few people are aware that both occultists were members of the Golden Dawn and the foundation of interpreting the cards originates in the work of famous French cartomancer Etteilla. Several other occultists, including Read more The seventy-eight Tarot card and their attributions
The first thing to understand is the origin and nature of numbering of the thirty-six so-called small cards or Numerals. The numbers assigned to the cards are following the astrological sequence as they are distributed on the Zodiac Wheel and have nothing to do with their actual numerological value. For example, Two of Wands Read more The numbering of the small cards and their numerological value
True story. A couple of years ago, a woman client contacted me and requested a reading regarding her relationship. She was married, and she suspected that her husband had cheated her. Normally, I would decline this kind of reading politely, but Read more Is he cheating on me?