
“People do not value a thing if they do not pay for it.” (Gurdjieff)

Thank you very much for your interest.
With more than 30 years of theoretical and practical experience in Tarot, I provide professional Tarot readings and guidance.

Tarot readings

Most people have a vague, distorted and unrealistic idea of what Tarot is. As a result, most people have unrealistic expectations regarding what using a deck of cards someone can achieve and what kind of answers they can provide.
Instead of explaining what Tarot is, it is easier to clarify what is not.
The Tarot is not an occult spying and stalking tool. It won’t reveal what other people think or feel or what’s are their intentions. It won’t help you find your lost cat or smartphone, and generally speaking, the cards can’t and won’t do anything instead of you. For that matter, nobody will do anything for you or instead of you.
Cartomancy, including reading the Tarot cards, is the art of using, reading and interpreting cards to gain insight and provide guidance about various personal matters.
It might be called an instrument of fortune-telling as long we agree that we are in the making of our own fortune.
Regarding foreseeing the future, the future is foreseeable only to the extent that people are predictable.
The cards won’t reveal what other people think or feel or what’s are their intentions. It won’t help you find your lost cat or smartphone, and generally speaking, cards won’t do anything instead of you. For that matter, nobody will do anything for you or instead of you.
Knowing about other people’s businesses might sound appealing, but fortunately, it is not how the cards work. And ultimately, it means that our own desires, feelings, thoughts, intentions and actions are safe from others’ unauthorised intrusion.
Thus, the Tarot only deals with the person asking the question, usually called the querent, and their desires, feelings, thoughts, hopes and dreams, providing a snapshot of the moment, revealing options and possibilities, and projecting a possible and probable future based on the current circumstances and various inputs.
The thing about the future is that it did not happen yet.
A Tarot reading is a snapshot of that particular moment.
It shows the current situation, reveals the causes or roots of the current situation, and predicts possible future evolution. The future is not something predefined and unchangeable. The future results from multiple factors, including our own desires, feeling, thoughts, decisions and actions. However, our options are changing accordingly from one moment to another.
Gurdjieff noted: “Every moment of time contains a certain number of possibilities, at times a small number, at others a great number, but never an infinite number. It is necessary to realise that there are possibilities and there are impossibilities.”
For example, a cell phone, a pencil and a piece of paper are on the table. However, I cannot take an orange from the table and throw it out the window because there is no orange.
This example clearly defines the difference between possibility and impossibility.
There are eight combinations of possibilities related to things from the table that can be thrown out on the window. There are only these possibilities; no more, no less.
If we take as a moment of time the moment when these possibilities exist, then the next moment will be a moment of the actualisation of one of the possibilities.
The cell phone is thrown out on the window. This is the actualisation of one of the possibilities. Then a new moment comes. And this moment also has a certain number of possibilities. However, the circumstances and possibilities have changed.
Both actions and inactions have consequences.
By throwing the cell phone out of the window, we lost a string of possibilities and cancelled one version of the possible future. It may have been a life-changing decision.
The options we have at a specific moment may not be at our disposal the next day; however other options may appear. The Tarot reading will show you the current possibilities, and you can make your decisions, take the actions you consider appropriate to preserve the current course of events, or, on the contrary, change the direction.
It is important to keep track of these readings, remember our options, decisions and actions – or non-actions – and identify the consequences of these decisions and actions. Using the cards, we can learn about ourselves, our decision-making processes and how we interact with the rest of the world in various circumstances and on different levels.
The Tarot is a process. One reading may open your eye or offer some insight into a specific issue at that particular moment, but serious development and results require consistency and dedication. The more effort one is willing to put in, the deeper one will get into understanding themselves and their relationship with the rest of the world.

The first step, and most important, is formulating the right question. Please read my guidelines for how someone should formulate the question and what kind of questions I can provide with helpful answers.


How to ask a Tarot question and Yes, No, and Maybe type of questions


No such thing as luck
Tarot: what is it and what is it not

Before ordering any card reading (spread), please get in touch with me by email ([email protected]) to discuss details and options.
Thank you!

It would be best if you made the payment only after we agreed upon the question, spread, and conditions.

I offer two options for providing the reading.
A) Live reading via Skype or Google Meet – we must agree upon a time and day.
B) I provide you with the reading by email in PDF format within 48 hours after the payment is made.

Schedule a reading now for $73.99 (with 7 to 10 cards, about 30 minutes).

Seven-year life cycles Chart, Birth card and Ascendant at 249,99 USD
Including a special PDF with detailed explanations about the 7-year cycles and the personalised report.

Seven-year life cycles Chart, Birth card and Ascendant

Yearly, hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly spreads and diagrams.

Yearly Tarot spread with 16 cards plus yearly diagram only 99.99 USD.
(I offer a 15 USD discount for my Patreon patrons – 84.99 USD, please contact me.)

Read more about the yearly, hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly spreads and diagrams and find other options HERE.

New Patreon tiers – counselling, readings and apprenticeship

I just reconfigured my Patreon tiers into 6 levels of mentoring. More direct, one on one interaction, including regular Tarot reading sessions. You can choose from one monthly reading to daily communication and guidance.
Select the one that fit your needs the most.
I am looking forward to working together!

65 USD – Basic Guidance – for 22 patrons
Access to the regular published material, one monthly live Google Meet and one private reading.

120 USD Advanced Guidance – for 12 patrons
Access to the regular published material, one monthly private YouTube video, one monthly live Google Meet and two private readings. Occasionally other exclusive materials.

165 USD Regular Counselling – for 6 patrons
Access to the regular published material, one monthly private YouTube video, one monthly live Google Meet and three private readings – up to one hour each. Occasionally other exclusive materials. Requested materials. Live discussions.

200 USD Basic Apprenticeship – for 3 patrons
Access to the regular published material, one monthly private YouTube video, one monthly live Google Meet and four (weekly) private readings – up to one hour each. Occasionally other exclusive materials. Requested materials. Live discussions.

1190 USD – Individual Apprenticeship – for 1 patron
Access to the regular published material, one monthly private YouTube video, one monthly live Google Meet and four (weekly) private readings – up to one hour each. Daily three-card readings and counselling (6 days a week). Occasionally other exclusive materials. Requested materials. Live discussions.

Karpathy Patreon New Tiers