Three of Disks rev. – Two of Cups rev. – Empress rev.
Culpability – Secrets – Stubbornness
Card of the day: Two of Cups rev.
Time: 11:20 to 12 PM
“Be sensitive about the sensitivity of others.”
Lynn Ujiagbe
– What should you focus on today?
– What secrets are you hiding?
– What secrets are you looking for?
The combination of the reversed Three of Disks and Two of Cups indicates guilt. The reversed Empress suggests you want to keep the secret and carry its burden.
Today, I would like to address another sensitive topic regarding Tarot readings – the interference of the readers’ experiences with the querent’s life.
It’s never the readers’ attribute to tell the querent you should do this or do that.
The reader should only focus on the cards and transmit the information. The querents are responsible for understanding and using the information as they consider it the most appropriate.
We all have different experiences and perspectives and act or react differently in specific circumstances.
Therefore, as a reader, remember, it is not about what you would do in these circumstances, but what the querent can do.
The Tarot cards show circumstances and possibilities. The querent must make the choices and do as they please. The readers are not judges and are not supposed to walk in anybody’s shoes.
Now, let’s talk a little bit about secrets.
Secrets can be an immense burden that weighs heavily on us. It is an invisible load that we carry, often in silence, and can shape our existence, alter our perspectives and influence our interactions with others. Concealing truths, desires, feelings, or thoughts can lead to isolation and guilt. As individuals, we must navigate the delicate balance of protecting our inner sanctum while considering the potential repercussions of unshared secrets.
Secrets have the potential to surface when they can hurt us the most.
You are responsible for deciding what is best for you and what this secret means to you.
The reversed Empress raises another question: Are loyalty and perseverance animating you or the forces of habit and stubbornness?
The Unified Esoteric Tarot deck.
These are general readings, and if you need answers in a specific situation, you should schedule a personal reading:
Daily readings available exclusively on my Patreon page at
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