Thursday, 3-card readings 03/20/2025 and Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
Welcome, 1795 (aka. MMXXV)!
Admonishment: It’s a long read and quite a lot to digest.
Why March 21 and not January 1? Why 1795 and not 2025?
Long story short, the Sun is at the centre of our solar system, the Earth orbits around the Sun, and roughly 365¼ days taken by the Earth to revolve around the Sun. A year starts on the March equinox, according to astronomy.
The March equinox is the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator — an imaginary line in the sky above Earth’s equator — from south to north. The March equinox happens every calendar year on March 19, 20, or 21.
According to the Gregorian calendar, the March equinox occurs in London, England, United Kingdom, on Thursday, 20 March 2025, 09:01 GMT.
The Gregorian calendar is a civil convention constructed artificially on arbitrary criteria. It is disconnected from nature and the universe and cannot be used for esoteric purposes. It was meant to be disruptive and separate humans from any previous traditions. Primarily religiously but also from a laic perspective. Alteration and falsification are more ancient occupations than we could imagine.
Why 1795 and not 2025 (MMXXV)?
First, considering that the Gregorian calendar is a Catholic calendar, and the successor of the Roman Julian calendar, it should use Latin numbers.
The terms anno Domini (AD) and before Christ (BC) are used when designating years in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. The term anno Domini is Medieval Latin and means “in the year of the Lord”.
This calendar era takes as its epoch the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus. Years AD are counted forward since that epoch, and years BC are counted backwards from the epoch. This scheme has no year zero. Thus, AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC. This dating system was devised in 525 by Dionysius Exiguus. Modern scholars argue that the actual date of birth of Jesus was about 5 BC.
However, the Gregorian calendar is not the only calendar currently in use. Other calendars are Hebrew, Islamic, Coptic, Solar Hijri, Bengali or Masonic. For example, the Coptic calendar is based on the earlier Egyptian calendar. Coptic years are counted from 284 AD, the year Diocletian became Roman Emperor, whose reign was marked by tortures and mass executions of Christians, especially in Egypt.
Other calendars count year one since the creation of the world, known as Anno Mundi. According to the Hebrew calendar, the year 2025 of the Gregorian calendar corresponds to 5785 and 5786, respectively.
The Masonic calendar operates the term Anno Lucis, the Year of the Light. For Masons, the year of the light signifies the date the world was created. Anno Lucis is calculated by adding 4000 years from the world’s creation to the current year. The world’s creation = 4000 B.C.E. + the current year, 2025 = 6025.
In astronomy, the March Equinox is the zero point of sidereal time and, consequently, right ascension. It marks the beginning of Spring and the New Year in the Northern Hemisphere.
The point where the Sun crosses the celestial equator northwards is called the First Point of Aries. However, due to the precession of the equinoxes, this point is no longer in the constellation Aries but in Pisces. By the year 2300-2600, it will be in Aquarius. The Earth’s axis causes the First Point of Aries to travel westwards across the sky at roughly one degree every 72 years.
In astronomy, axial precession is a gravity-induced, slow, and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis. In particular, it can refer to the gradual shift in the direction of Earth’s axis of rotation in a cycle of approximately 25,772 years. Earth’s precession was historically called the precession of the equinoxes because the equinoxes moved westward along the ecliptic relative to the fixed stars, opposite to the yearly motion of the Sun along the ecliptic.
Unfortunately, scholars do not agree upon exact dates for the beginning and the end of the ages, with given dates varying hundreds of years.
It is still a heated debate whether we are still in the Age of Pisces or the Age of Aquarius, which has already begun – presumably once with the Industrial Revolution and the American Revolution.
According to Armando Mei, an investigative journalist, the perfect alignment of the Pyramids of Giza with the constellation of Leo occurred in 36,400 BC, and this also indicates the “beginning of times” known as “Zep Tepi” or the Golden Age.
Accordingly, 2025 of the Gregorian calendar is the year 1795 of the Age of Pisces. Consider that the Gregorian year starts on January 1, while the astronomical year begins in March.
The Age of Aquarius will begin in 2,385 of the Gregorian calendar.
The Ages, according to Armando Mei’s calculation, the first complete cycle:
The Age of Lion – began in 36,400 BC and ended in 34,245 BC.
The Age of Cancer – began in 34,245 BC and ended in 32,090 BC.
The Age of Gemini – began in 32,090 BC and ended in 29,935 BC.
The Age of Taurus – began in 29,935 BC and ended in 27,780 BC.
The Age of Aries – began in 27,780 BC and ended in 25,625 BC.
The Age of Pisces – began in 25,625 BC and ended in 23,470 BC.
The Age of Aquarius – began in 23,470 BC and ended in 21,315 BC.
The Age of Capricorn – began in 21,315 BC and ended in 19,160 BC.
The Age of Sagittarius – began in 19,160 BC and ended in 17,005 BC.
The Age of Scorpion – began in 17,005 BC and ended in 14,850 BC.
The Age of Libra – began in 14,850 BC and ended in 12,695 BC.
The Age of Virgo – began in 12,695 BC and ended in 10,540 BC.
The second cycle:
The Age of Lion – began in 10,540 BC and ended in 8,385 BC.
The Age of Cancer – began in 8,385 BC and ended in 6,230 BC.
The Age of Gemini – began in 6,230 BC and ended in 4,075 BC.
The Age of Taurus – began in 4,075 BC and ended in 1,920 BC.
The Age of Aries – began in 1,920 BC and ended in 235 AD.
The Age of Pisces – began in 230 AD and will end in 2,385 AD.
The Age of Aquarius – will start in 2,385 AD and end in 4,540 AD.
Setting New Year’s resolutions can be a powerful personal development and growth instrument.
Resolutions provide a clear direction for your efforts throughout the year.
First, you need to set clear and achievable goals. It is vital to discern between possibilities and impossibilities.
Secondly, finding motivation to work towards achieving your goals is critical. Often, we start years, months, weeks or even days with clear goals, and they slowly fade out as time progresses.
Let’s talk briefly about the Major Arcana cards and their numbering.
The Major Arcana cards are not numbered. Their numbering appeared as a necessity for playing various card games. Initially, multiple numbering systems appeared in different regions of Italy. The standardisation was completed around the seventeenth century, and the most commonly recognised numbering sequence became the Tarot of Marseille pattern.
Only considerably later, in the eighteenth century, the French occultists Antoine Court de Gébelin and Jean-Baptiste Alliette aka. Etteilla correlated the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
Another century later, the French occultist Éliphas Lévi delivered a complete and detailed method of equivalences, which became the foundation of the future esoteric systems, including the Golden Dawn.
After years of research and study, I became sceptical regarding these theories and methods. Even Aleister Crowley, who was deeply involved in kabbalistic studies, had doubts and changed his opinions and the attribution of the Hebrew letters to the Major Arcana cards several times.
The relevance of the Hebrew alphabet consists in the assumption that it is the “language of G_d”, the language of creation, and the Hebrew letters’ kabbalistic attributes.
However, if there is a “language of G_d”, that probably is the Sumerian. As scholars concluded, the Sumerian language does not fit into any linguistic groups, being an “alien” – divine or extraterrestrial? – language.
On the other hand, the Golden Dawn system is not flawless, irrefutable and indisputable. Other notable authors, such as Frédéric Lionel, proposed viable alternatives, even double numbering systems.
Consequently, I started favouring decks such as Robert Wang’s Jungian Tarot, which has no captions and numbering and is suitable for any preferred system.
The Unified Esoteric Tarot proposes two alternative numbering methods. The initial sequence follows the formula on which the deck was built, and the secondary is based on the astrological sequence of the card. Even so, these numbering sequences are arguable.
In the Unified Esoteric Tarot, the so-called Minor Arcana cards are at the beginning of the deck. The numbering starts from the Ace of Wands, representing the March Equinox and the beginning of the new astronomical year, and ends with the Page of Cups associated with Pisces.
The Major Arcana cards are distributed in accordance with the Ages, in counterclockwise order from Leo to Virgo – first the planetary cards, then the Zodiac signs.
It is a common practice to calculate the year by reducing the number to twenty-two, the number of the cards in the standard Tarot deck, and associate it accordingly.
According to this formula, 1795 is 22.
1 + 7 + 9 + 5 = 22
However, I concluded that we should focus exclusively on the twelve cards representing the zodiac signs, months, years, and ages and reduce the numbers to twelve.
Therefore, 2+2=4.
The fourth sign is Taurus, and the card attributed to it is the Empress.
Understanding basic astrology is fundamental to Tarot practice.
Most people don’t understand what archetypes mean and how they are composed.
Astrologically speaking, the combination of the four Elements and three Qualities constitutes the basic twelve archetypes known as the zodiac signs.
In a nutshell, the Qualities show why, and the Elements show how archetypes manifest themselves.
Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign. Fixed represents feminine and active, and Earth represents life’s practical and material aspects.
Generally speaking, it means practical and active involvement. Results are obtained through (hard) work and (motherly) dedication. Achievements depend on the effort you are willing to put into your plans and projects.
Taurus lays down the foundation and plants the seeds of future development. The things you will start building from the middle of April will bring the first results at the end of the summer and manifest after the Winter Solstice.
It will be a slow and challenging process, but you can achieve durable success and personal security with sustained efforts and perseverance.
1795 is about work and dedication.
However, don’t overdo things and exhaust all your resources. Becoming a workaholic and captive of your ambitions is a genuine risk.
Focusing exclusively on your life’s practical and material aspects may jeopardise your relationship with family, friends and loved ones. Once in a while, allow yourself a break and enjoy the fruits of your hard work. Though, don’t get too comfortable. LOL
The phrase “you’ve made your bed, now lie in it” means that you must accept the consequences of your decisions and actions. It suggests that how you handle the upcoming situations will determine the results.
Now, the reading for today.
Three of Disks rev. – Ace of Disks – Five of Swords
Culpability – Achievements – Innovation
Card of the day: Ace of Disks
Time: 12 PM
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
Paulo Coelho
– What should you focus on today?
– What do you want to achieve?
The reversed Three of Disks shows culpability. You messed up something and feel responsible for cleaning up your mess.
Never worry about the things you cannot change. Let the past rest and focus on what you can do now. Don’t let the feeling of guilt grind you down. You can learn from your mistakes and improve for future challenges. Making mistakes is human, only repeating them is inexcusable.
The Ace of Disks speaks about achievements.
On the one hand, it may indicate that you learned from your mistakes. On the other hand, you moved over, worked hard, and succeeded.
The Aces represent opportunities. The Ace of Disks relates to the physical and material plane signifying achievements. It’s a seed finding a fertile ground. However, it is only a promise that requires work, dedication and conscious effort to be fulfilled.
The most promising clue in that regard is the Five of Swords.
The Five of Swords is a clear head capable of identifying groundbreaking ideas. Aquarius can bring revolutionary ideas to the surface, but not all of them are feasible. Venus is crucial to identifying only those which can be transposed in practice.
In conclusion, you need a new idea or plan, something realistic and achievable. The idea is there; you only need to identify and make it work.
These are general readings, and if you need answers in a specific situation, you should schedule a personal reading:
#attilakarpathy #unifiedesoterictarot #tarot #threecardreading