3-card readings 09-25-2024

3-card readings 09-25-02

Card of the day: Two of Wands

“To be, or not to be, that is the question.”
William Shakespeare

I think it is one of my favourite quotes. It has multiple meanings.
On the one hand, it signifies choices. It is one thing or another, or one way or the other. It represents a turning point, a crossroad, a mandatory decision.
It is recommended that quick decisions be made and actions should be taken immediately. It is a matter of instinct.
However, at a deeper level of spiritual awareness, it is a choice between consciousness and unconsciousness. It is about taking on oneself and accepting responsibilities.
Choices have consequences.

There are several layers of reading the cards.
Depending on the question, we have several paths, and various alternative combinations are also possible.

The number two from the card’s name relates to the Sefirot called Yesod (Foundation), representing new opportunities and expanding our perspectives.

The kabbalistic path is Chesed (Kindness), Yesod (Foundation) and Netzach (Eternity/Victory).
However, with the Chesed and Netzach reversed, Chesed translates as failure and Netzach as inconsistency. Although Yesod brought a new opportunity, hesitation may jeopardise the outcome.

Sacred numerology correlates numbers and planetary attributions.
The Seven of Wands and Two of Wands have the same planetary attribution and numerological value. Planet Jupiter’s esoteric number is three. Retrograde Jupiter is represented by minus three, and natural Jupiter is plus three.
The Four of Swords’ planetary attribution is Uranus, whose esoteric number is seven. The card being reversed becomes minus seven.
Three is the number of explorations and expansions.
Seven is the number of mysticism, originality and spiritual matters.
Three signifies multiplication, expansion, exploration, overcoming limits, flexibility, and adaptability.
The negative traits of the three are scattered energies, exaggeration, lack of concentration, and wandering.
The negative traits of seven are that seven can be unrealistic, chaotic, cold, stubborn, rigid, dogmatic, sarcastic, and self-centred.

The alchemical path is Fermentation – Fermentation – Multiplication. With the first and third cards reversed, although the fermentation process has been corrected, the outcome indicates losses instead of multiplication.

Astrologically, we are transitioning from Mutable Fire to Fixed Air.
In this case, it means that we switch to a rational and proactive approach from acting instinctively and randomly.
The circumstances are complicated because the past and future cards are reversed.
We have Jupiter retrograde in Leo and Uranus retrograde in Libra.
Although the present card, Jupiter in Aries, shows an improvement by turning the energies upright again, it appears that we are at the point of making the wrong choice again.
The combination of the three cards read as excesses, choices and intolerance.
The Four of Swords, representing the future, is a card associated with original, innovative, out-of-the-box ideas. However, being reversed, the card suggests that we are stubborn and inflexible, not taking into consideration any other idea or possibility except for what we have in mind.

At this point, I need to remind you that the future is not fixed and predetermined.
The whole point of the Tarot reading is to gather information, better understand the situation and make better choices.
The future has not happened yet. Most of the time, we can change our minds and make different decisions – take our destiny into our hands. Desire, feel, think and act differently than we usually do. Don’t follow our usual routine, but become aware and act consciously in another way or direction.

What information to use in a reading?
Once again, it mainly depends on the question and which information seems more relevant for understanding the situation.
Usually, I prefer to keep it simple, and the astrological information is generally enough. However, occasionally, additional details from Alchemy, Numerology or Kabbalah may be helpful to clarify some aspects.

On the other hand, what a totally different story if we worked with the Rider-Waite deck and interpreted the pictures intuitively or using the standard methods.
It is your choice: do you wish to be fancy or efficient?

Daily 3-card readings exclusively on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/attilakarpathy

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