3-card readings 09-29-2024


Sunday, 09/29/2024.

Seven of Cups rev. (past), Ace of Swords rev. (present), and Chariot rev. (future)
Turbulences – Questions – Vulnerability

Card of the day: Ace of Swords reversed

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

For this week, I propose a slightly different approach.
Let’s try working with the keywords and understand the causality cause-consequence relationship.
In the case of these three card readings, the past-present-future may also translate as yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The card of the day is the Aces of Swords reversed, signifying questions.
– What questions do you have? What is bothering you? What things do you need to clarify?
The Ace of Swords relates to the Fall Equinox, which only occurred a few days ago. What recent event made you question something? What is the thing you doubt?
Yesterday’s card, the reversed Seven of Cups, is the clue.
Something has troubled you at the emotional level. Are you troubled by your own feelings, or is it how other people treat you?
The card for tomorrow may shed more light on the situation.
The Chariot reversed signifies vulnerability.
It means you feel hurt and exposed.
While the card of the day is an Air card, and you are battling many questions, this is an emotional matter requiring gentleness.
Tomorrow starts today, so first, find the right answers to your questions.
With all the cards in a reversed position, you should calm down and step backwards to see the bigger picture.

Daily 3-card readings exclusively on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/attilakarpathy

#attilakarpathy #unifiedesoterictarot #tarot #threecardreading

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