3-card readings 10-20-2024

Sunday, 3-card readings 10/20/2024

Eight of Swords rev., Queen of Cups rev., and Six of Wands
Restlessness – Possessiveness – Lust

Card of the day: Queen of Cups reversed

“I used to advertise my loyalty and I don’t believe there is a single person I loved that I didn’t eventually betray.”
Albert Camus

The Air-Water-Fire combinations show how emotional and instinctive factors are taking over rational decisions.
The Queen of Cups is a challenging card and an opportunity to understand and control our feelings. When it is reversed, it means that your emotions are stronger than your rational considerations. Jealousy and possessiveness clouded your judgment.
The Eight of Swords suggests that the seeds of suspicion were planted a while ago.
The Six of Wands shows a lot of passion involved in the mix, and the outcome is always unperceivable with these things.
The main question here is whether jealousy is justified or not.
Between 2 and 4 PM is the best time frame to focus on the Queen of Cups and try to find the answer.
The Queen of Cups favours partnership and collaboration. Perhaps the best way to find these answers is by honest dialogue with the other side involved.
The alchemical process of Solution/Dissolution means separating facts from fiction. Speaking of emotions, that can be quite challenging. However, with the involvement of Planet X, you can focus on the practical aspects and check the facts.

These are general readings, and if you need answers in a specific situation, you should schedule a personal reading: https://tarotator.com/services/

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