3-card readings 10-27-2024


Sunday, 3-card readings 10/27/2024

Page of Wands, Tower, and Nine of Wands
Broadmindedness – Renewal – Exploration

Card of the day: Tower

“Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling.”
Deborah Day

The Tower card is commonly feared and considered to have a negative meaning and impact on our lives.
We are creatures of habit, and we oppose change more than anything. It is both a conscious and subconscious opposition.
However, there are certain circumstances when change is inevitable. Then, the Tower brings the changes we refuse to make by ourselves.
Most pain and misery associated with the Tower card originates from our resistance to change.
The best way of dealing with the Tower card is by understanding and embracing the changes.
Nevertheless, it is not always an easy task.
Sometimes, the Tower card can signify the loss of someone very close to our hearts, the loss of goods, wealth, social position, or a particular way of living. Sometimes, from being the king of the world, we find ourselves having nothing.
Adjustments to new conditions are always demanding.
Yet, we have to extract the best out of the circumstances.
The Tower card represents a fresh start with a clean slate. All the past deeds are erased and forgiven. We may feel we are sitting in the middle of a ruin, but it is an opportunity to build something new from scratch. It is our chance to make it better.
It won’t be easy. However, good things in life require an effort.
The Tower is most powerful between midnight and 2 AM. A new day, a new dawn…
The complete three-card reading shows an interesting picture.
The Page of Wands is Mercury in Sagittarius, while the Nine of Wands is Jupiter in Sagittarius.
In between, the Tower is Pluto in Gemini.
It is a succession of Air-Fire, Water-Air, and Fire-Fire, which begins and ends in Sagittarius.
A first attempt at making something exceptional has failed dramatically, but we got another chance to create something even better.
It is a learning process. It requires courage and dedication, pushing the boundaries and exploring the unknown, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

These are general readings, and if you need answers in a specific situation, you should schedule a personal reading: https://tarotator.com/services/

#attilakarpathy #unifiedesoterictarot #tarot #threecardreading

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