Sunday, 3-card readings 03/02/2025

daily-3-card-readings-UET 03.02.2025

Ace of Cups rev. – Three of Disks rev. – Seven of Wands
Fears – Culpability – Challenges

Card of the day: Three of Disks rev.
Time: 10:40 to 11:20 AM

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”
Jim Rohn

– What should you focus on today?
– What mistake did you make?
– Why do you make the same mistakes?
– What makes you feel guilty?

The fears seem to be a returning theme. As I said, it is crucial to identify the origin of these fears. Modern Western medicine quite frequently deals with the effects of the illness instead of fixing the cause. It happens because humans have lost their humanity, and modern medicine is focused on making a profit instead of healing. Instead of curing, it’s more profitable to keep people under permanent medication.
Modern humans can be easily influenced and manipulated. Desires and fears are the best instruments to influence people. The recent Covid pandemic demonstrated that even the most intelligent people, driven by fears, can act quite irrationally.
At a personal level, fear usually triggers survival instinct. However, if the fear becomes chronic, it may cause significant damage and disable rational thinking. In these circumstances, someone will make emotional choices, even in rational matters.
Therefore, it is important to understand the reason behind our fears and identify their sources.
The shadow of fears from the past is crossing over to the present and will find a way to sneak into the future. Any future progress will be on hold without dealing with these issues now.
The reversed Three of Disks suggests that at least some of these fears may relate to the feeling of guilt.
You made an error, and you feel guilty about it.
Regarding the nature of this mistake, the Three of Disks suggests that it relates to social or professional aspects of your life, but it can be simply some practical mistake.
The first thing to understand and accept is that you cannot change the past.
The second thing is to deal with the consequences in the best possible way.
Try to fix it, and if you cannot fix it, analyse, process, learn from that mistake and move over.
Even “negative” experiences can be helpful learning tools for future events and developments.
The most important thing about mistakes is not to repeat them.
Especially as the future through the Seven of Wands looks challenging.
The Seven of Wands brings Jupiterian unpredictability and adds fuel to Leo’s fiery nature. It is a great card to make changes, but sometimes it also puts you at risk or makes you make hazardous decisions.

Daily 3-card reading exclusively on my Patreon page:

These are general readings, and if you need answers in a specific situation, you should schedule a personal reading:

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