3-card readings 10/06/2024


Sunday, 10/06/2024

Queen of Cups rev. (past), Nine of Cups rev. (present), and Three of Swords (future).
Possessiveness – Delusion – Compensation.

Card of the day: Nine of Cups rev.

“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”
May Sarton

One of the factors that affects development is denial.
A new culture of pseudo-inclusiveness and Read more 3-card readings 10/06/2024

About G_d

About G_d

“G_d and I had a fair and cordial relationship. I never asked for anything, and G_d never gave me something. I didn’t bother G_d, and most likely, G_d was unaware of my existence. In that matter, I believe I was G_d’s favourite creature. It was almost like a good neighbour relationship in which we smiled and said hello whenever we met, but we never knew each other’s names.
G_d was everywhere and nowhere. The mathematical difference between everything and nothing is zero.”

Excerpt from the novel Waiting on the Bench by Attila Karpathy.

#attilakarpathy #tarot #esoteric #esotericnovel #novel

3-card readings 09-29-2024


Sunday, 09/29/2024.

Seven of Cups rev. (past), Ace of Swords rev. (present), and Chariot rev. (future)
Turbulences – Questions – Vulnerability

Card of the day: Ace of Swords reversed

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

For this week, I propose a slightly different approach.
Let’s try working Read more 3-card readings 09-29-2024

Kick out the lives


I created a new Kick channel for live readings, Tarot lessons, reviews and Q&A sessions.

In order to start monetising the channel, I need at least 100 subscribers.

Subscription is free.

As the 100 target is reached, one randomly selected subscriber will be rewarded with Read more Kick out the lives

3-card readings 09-25-2024

3-card readings 09-25-02

Card of the day: Two of Wands

“To be, or not to be, that is the question.”
William Shakespeare

I think it is one of my favourite quotes. It has multiple meanings.
On the one hand, it signifies choices. It is one thing or another, or one way or the other. It represents a turning point, a crossroad, a mandatory decision.
It is recommended that quick decisions be made and actions should be taken immediately. It is a matter of instinct.
However, at a deeper level of spiritual awareness, it is Read more 3-card readings 09-25-2024

Esoteric, occult and divinatory Tarot

I may sound redundant, but most people still don’t understand it, and I must explain it again.
Esoteric means:
a: designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone,
b: requiring or exhibiting knowledge restricted to a small group – or difficult to understand.
The word occult has a similar meaning. Read more Esoteric, occult and divinatory Tarot

3-card readings 09/06/2024

3-card readings 09-06-202

See you on my YouTube channel


7 AM PDT (California)/ 10 AM EDT (New York)/ 3 PM WEST/BST (Lisbon/London)/ 4 PM CEST (Berlin)/ 5 PM EEST (Bucharest/Istanbul)

#attilakarpathy #unifiedesoterictarot #threecardreading #tarot

Everything is the other way around

Everything is the other way around

We are sleepwalkers fed with illusions and lies.
Almost any topic you might be interested in, if you dig deep enough, you will find out that everything you knew is the other way around.
Some people believe in evolution, others in creation. What if I tell you both are bullshit?
It would be hilarious if it would not be sad and alarming.
Till 1958, for roughly 2000 years, the dominant theory was based on the Bible’s Genesis creation narrative with no notable alternatives at our disposal.
Things changed, and the world changed in 1848 with Read more Everything is the other way around