Eileen Connolly designed the Connolly Tarot deck in cooperation with her son, Peter Paul Connolly. The scenes on each card are reminiscent of medieval stained glass associated with majestic cathedrals. Each card touches the subconscious in a profound way, and the spiritual and inspirational imagery brings the viewer to a higher level of consciousness.
The wardrobes of the figures are resplendent in color and historic detail, and the scene on each card is luminous. The cards include symbols that Eileen Connolly has held in her consciousness for many years, yet the scenes convey simple, clear messages. The Major Arcana bear standard card titles with two exceptions.
Card number 13, usually titled Death, is titled Transition in Connolly Tarot to reflect transformation and the change of one’s life path. Card 15, normally the Devil, has been changed to Materialism, and shows how the tools of life have been abused.
Eileen Connolly is a well-known authority on tarot, numerology and other esoteric sciences. Her tarot series Tarot for the Apprentice, Tarot for the Journeyman and Tarot for the Master are popular staples of the tarot literature.
Connolly Tarot