KS Knight of Swords

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Knight of Swords

The greatest challenge for the Knight of Swords is to make a definitive decision. They tend to jump into the fire without Read more KS Knight of Swords

KS Six of Swords

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Six of Swords

The Six of Swords is not that much about leaving but the baggage we take with us. It is what we choose to keep carrying and Read more KS Six of Swords

KS Ace of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is one of the most important cards of the Tarot deck. While the Fool is the central hero, the traveller, the Ace of Wands represents Read more KS Ace of Wands

KS Empress

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Empress

The Tarot deck has not three but four female archetypes. Instead of the maiden, mother and crone triplicity, there is a quartette that includes Read more KS Empress

KS Page of Disks

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Page of Disks

Pouring water over the institutionally rigid, sometimes petrified Virgo may have unforeseeable consequences. The emotional shock will disturb its Read more KS Page of Disks

KS Four of Cups

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Four of Cups

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Four of Cups
The Four of Cups is one of the most intense cards emotionally. Either it is joy or sorrow, they will feel everything with all their atoms. These emotions Read more KS Four of Cups

KS Three of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Three of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Three of Wands
Once the Two of Wands set its mind, it becomes the unstoppable Three of Wands. It is a card of action, challenges, impulsiveness and courage. It can signify Read more KS Three of Wands