September’s report

2023 09 September Monthly Charts

People dealing with esoteric matters, especially astrologers, should discuss Zodiac signs, not civil calendar months.
What ordinary people call September is an artificial construction of the end of the first decan of Virgo, the second and third decan of Virgo and the beginning of the first decan of Libra.
So, let’s talk about September, folks!

As I already mentioned, the backdrop of September is roughly Virgo’s second and third decan, respectively, the first decan of Libra.
Translated to Tarot cards, these are the Nine and Ten of Disks and the Two of Swords.
The Nine and Ten of Disks are about work and finishing things to the last detail. The Nine of Disks is about getting things done, and the Ten of Disks is about moving to the next level. The Ten of Disks represents fructification and, in particular cases, pregnancy. It also makes the connection to the Ace of Swords, facilitating the transition to the Two of Swords.
There is an underlying symbiosis between Tens and Aces. Aces are the starting points, while Tens are the highest of the suits, overlapping each other.
The Ace of Wands relates to the Ten of Cups; the Ten of Swords relates to the Ace of Cups; the Ace of Swords relates to the Ten of Disks, and the Ten of Wands relates to the Ace of Disks.
From a Kabbalistic point of view, the Keter of one Tree of Life connects to the Malchut of the next. Each of the four Elements has its own Tree, and they are all connected.
The Two of Swords is taking a step backwards, looking at the bigger picture and making a rational choice. The Ten of Disks means that you have reached the top of the mountain, but now you have to decide where you can go from here.
While the Two of Swords gives you some breathing time, there is always the risk of waiting too much and being unable to make a firm decision.
The Twos are one of the cards at most risk. It’s a challenge to make the jump to the Threes, and it is risky to postpone the decision for too long. In both cases, one may find itself falling back. Eventually, it is all about perfect timing and the proper dosage of effort and energy.
The secret weapons are the Court Cards.
The Court Cards hold the key to moving forward and evolving.
The Court Card associated with the Eight, Nine and Ten of Disks is the Page of Disks.
In astrological terms, the Page of Disks represents Neptune in Virgo.
Simplified, the Page of Disks signifies responsibility. Yet, it is a sensible combination of balancing emotional sensitivity and practical necessities. It is about taking into consideration other people’s feelings and reconciling them with your own priorities and needs. It also can be translated as giving up your ego for the benefit of the many – or at least, your loved ones.
The Court Card attributed to the Two, Three and Four of Swords is the Knight of Swords.
Astrologically, the Knight of Swords represents Mars in Libra.
While the card generally signifies hesitation, the central issue relates to control. There is a struggle between our urges and our rational mind. Finding this balance is the key to fixing the issues occurring during the period represented by the Two, Three and Four of Swords.

September 2023 is characterised by (…)

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