Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: house, household, economy, savings. Dwelling or abode, domicile, habitation, manor, lodgings, regiment, building, ship, vase, vessel or receptacle. Archive, château or castle, thatched cottage. Family, ex-traction, race, posterity. Cave or lair, cavern, den or haunt.
Reversed: prize, fortune, game, accident or act of God, chance, ignorance, lot, fate, destiny, mischance or fatality. Happy or unhappy occasion.
Ten of Disks – Mercury in the third decan of Virgo.
Upright: Ten of Disks is all about being practical, learning things, getting involved in projects, doing things which have a tangible outcome. They are analytic, excellent organisers and great team workers. Don’t like being in the spotlight; they prefer to work quietly in the background. They are the perfect embodiment of the proverb: measure twice and cut once.
Reversed: detached, worried, conservative and shy.
78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!
TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)
TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)