Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: boredom, displeasure, discontent, disgust, aversion, enmity, hatred, horror, worry, anxiety or con-cern, mental pain, slight sorrow, affliction, distressing, unfortunate, tiresome, unpleasant. Distressing, lam-entable or appalling.
Reversed: new teaching, new light. Sign, indication, conjecture. Omen, portent, premonitions, forecast or prognosis, prediction, novelty.
Four of Cups – Moon in the third decan of Cancer.
Upright: The Four of Cups keeps things close to its heart and home with an enhanced sense of ownership. The card reflects domestic and family affairs, private meetings, intimate relationships, small gatherings. It also signifies good intuition and high emotional sensitivity. Another possible meaning is a decision made with heart.
Reversed: Moodiness, oversensitivity, insecurity and suspiciousness.
78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!
TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)
TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)