Thursday, 3-card readings 03/20/2025 and Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
Welcome, 1795 (aka. MMXXV)!
Admonishment: It’s a long read and quite a lot to digest.
Why March 21 and not January 1? Why 1795 and not 2025?
Long story short, the Sun is at the centre of our solar system, the Earth orbits around the Sun, and roughly 365¼ days taken by the Earth to revolve around the Sun. A year starts on the March equinox, according to astronomy.
The March equinox is Read more 3-card readings 03/20/2025 and Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
Welcome, 1795 (aka. MMXXV)!
Admonishment: It’s a long read and quite a lot to digest.
Why March 21 and not January 1? Why 1795 and not 2025?
Long story short, the Sun is at the centre of our solar system, the Earth orbits around the Sun, and roughly 365¼ days taken by the Earth to revolve around the Sun. A year starts on the March equinox, according to astronomy.
The March equinox is the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator—an imaginary line in the sky above Earth’s equator—from south to north. The March equinox happens every calendar year on March 19, 20, or 21.
According to the Gregorian calendar, the March equinox Read more Happy New Year 1795
Today is the last day of the year 1794 (aka. MMXXIV).
It is essential to analyse and draw conclusions.
– What worked?
– What didn’t work?
– Did you do your best?
– What do you wish you had done better?
– What did you learn this year?
– In which areas you improved?
– In which areas you should improve?
– What was your greatest accomplishment?
– What was your most significant failure?
– What did you learn from your failures?
– What are you grateful for?
– What should you change for the next year?
– What do you want to accomplish next year?
Goodbye, 1794! Happy New Year!
Magician – Nine of Cups – Queen of Disks rev.
Expansion – Self-remembering – Obsession
Card of the day: Nine of Cups
Time: 6:40 to 7:20 AM
“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”
May Sarton
– What should you focus on today?
– Who you really are?
– What do you love the most?
– What defines you?
The past represented by the Magician shows your Read more 3-card readings 03/19/2025
Ace of Cups rev. – Three of Disks rev. – Seven of Wands
Fears – Culpability – Challenges
Card of the day: Three of Disks rev.
Time: 10:40 to 11:20 AM
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”
Jim Rohn
– What should you focus on today?
– What mistake did you make?
– Why do you make the same mistakes?
– What makes you feel guilty?
The fears seem to be a returning theme. As I said, it is crucial to identify the origin of these fears. Modern Western medicine quite frequently deals with the effects of the illness Read more Sunday, 3-card readings 03/02/2025
Friday, 3-card readings 02/28/2025
Moon rev. – Ten of Wands rev. – Wheel
Distrust – Instability – Fortune
Card of the day: Ten of Wands rev.
Time: 12 AM to 12:40 AM
“Never have a plan; it’ll just get in your way.”
Marty Rubin
– What should you focus on today?
– What causes you anxiety?
– Why do you feel unstable?
Today’s reading is an interesting follow-up to yesterday’s reading.
The answer to the reversed Ace of Cups is the reversed Moon.
The cause for your fears and anxieties is distrust. Someone betrayed you, or you suspect you have been betrayed.
Suspicions are worse than certitudes. When something is evident – perhaps definite – you can deal with it. However, when you only have suspicions, they work like slow poison and will eat you alive.
The main issue with the past is that Read more 3-card readings 02/28/2025
03.01.2025. Saturday’s 3-card reading is on YouTube at 10 AM PST (Los Angeles), 1 PM EST (New York) and 6 PM GMT (London, UK) – including a Q&A session and free 3-card readings.
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Sunday, 3-card readings 02/23/2025
Ace of Swords rev. – King of Swords – Page of Cups rev.
Questions – Reflection – Melancholy
Card of the day: King of Swords
Time: 8 to 10 AM
“The way we experience the world around us is a direct reflection of the world within us.”
Gabrielle Bernstein
– What should you focus on today?
– Is there something you are missing – what is the bigger picture?
Once again, these cards are opportunities, not certitudes.
The King cards represent our higher self, an unachievable and Read more 3-card readings 02/23/2025
02.22.2025. Saturday’s 3-card reading is on YouTube at 10 AM PST (Los Angeles), 1 PM EST (New York) and 6 PM GMT (London, UK) – including a Q&A session and free 3-card readings.
LINK to my channel:
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#tarot #tarotreading #attilakarpathy #unifiedesoterictarot