What is a Tarot reading

3-card readings UET

A Tarot reading is a snapshot of that particular moment. It shows the current situation, reveals the causes or roots of the current situation, and predicts possible future evolution. The future is not something predefined and unchangeable. The future results from multiple factors, including our own decisions and actions. However, our options are changing accordingly from one moment to another. Gurdjieff noted: “Every moment of time contains a certain number of possibilities, at times a small number, at others a great number, but never an infinite number. It is necessary to realise that there are possibilities and there are impossibilities. I can take from this table and throw on the floor a piece of paper, a pencil, or an ashtray, but I cannot take from the table and throw on the floor an orange which is not on the table. This clearly defines the difference between possibility and impossibility. There are several combinations of possibilities related to things that can be thrown on the floor from this table. I can throw a pencil, or a piece of paper, or an ashtray, or else a pencil and a piece of paper, or a pencil and an ashtray, or a piece of paper and an ashtray, or all three together, or nothing at all. There are only these possibilities. If we take as a moment of time the moment when these possibilities exist, then the next moment will be a moment of the actualisation of one of the possibilities. A pencil is thrown on the floor. This is the actualisation of one of the possibilities. Then, a new moment comes. This moment also has a certain number of possibilities in a certain definite sense.”
The options we have at a specific moment may not be at our disposal the next day; however, other options may appear. The Tarot reading will show you the current possibilities, and you can make your decisions, take the actions you consider appropriate to keep the recent course of evolution, or, on the contrary, change the direction. It is important to keep track of these readings, remember our decisions and actions – or non-actions – and identify the consequences of these decisions and actions. On the one hand, it is a learning process; on the other, it will help make these decisions more consciously.

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