Attila, the unholy

According to Wikipedia, in Christianity, a name day is a tradition in many European countries, the Americas, and Christian communities elsewhere. It consists of celebrating a day of the year associated with one’s baptismal name, which is normatively that of a biblical character or other saint. Where they are popular, individuals celebrate both their name day and their birthday in a given year.
The custom originated with Read more Attila, the unholy

The World (take one)

Acrylic on canvas.
20 x 30 cm (7.87 x 11.81 inch).
On sale.
If you are interested, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me:

[email protected]

Your support is crucial to continue my work.
Thank you!

The World card is often seen as completing the Fool’s journey. The ardent question is whether it is the final destination or a door to another dimension. Or, better said, what lies behind the unseen?
Spirituality is about Read more The World (take one)

3-card readings 11/10/2024

3-card readings 11-10-2024

Eight of Disks rev., Nine of Cups, Ace of Wands
Deadlock – Self-remembering – Action

Card of the day: Nine of Cups

“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”
May Sarton

It’s been quite an emotional period lately.
The Nine of Cups reminds us of who we are, why we Read more 3-card readings 11/10/2024

3-card readings 11/03/2024

3-card readings 11-03-2024

Sunday, 3-card readings 11/03/2024

Knight of Wands rev., Page of Wands, Sun
Negligence – Broadmindedness – Love

Card of the day: Page of Wands

“By all means, let’s be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out.”
Richard Dawkins

These are troubled times, and the future seems more uncertain than ever.
Each Court card is a challenge because it combines different types of energies. Here, the Mutable-Air Mercury visits the Mutable-Fire Sagittarius. The situation is double-volatile as both represent the Mutable Quality. Air and Fire are also directly opposite Elements, which further raises the challenge of the situation.
The Page of Wands teaches us to find opportunities and make the most out of the circumstances.
The condition is to be intelligent and adaptable and maintain open communication channels with everyone involved.
Don’t make rushed decisions or act on the first impulse. Do thorough research and be well-informed before making any definitive decisions.
On the other hand, don’t overthink or hesitate too much either.
Short windows of opportunity and unfamiliar circumstances will require courage to go outside your comfort zone.
Therefore, you will have to keep an open mind and accept unusual requests or offers.
The Page of Wands rules the Eight, Nine and Ten of Wands and is subordinate to the Wheel and Justice. These are all energetic and highly inflammable cards.
The Page of Wands offers an escape from the routine and monotony of day-to-day life, represented by the Numerals (Pips), and gives a chance to make a real change. Moving up to a higher plane of spiritual existence, the Wheel represents continuous motion, while Justice guarantees that everything falls in its right place. Yet, Justice is also a message that mistakes will be punished accordingly.
The card indicating the past, the Knight of Wands reversed, is a warning not to be superficial or negligent and not to repeat past mistakes.
The future with the Sun looks bright, meaning you have a real opportunity to step in the right direction.

These are general readings, and if you need answers in a specific situation, you should schedule a personal reading:

#attilakarpathy #unifiedesoterictarot #tarot #threecardreading

Ten of Swords

10-28-2024-Ten of Swords

Monday, 3-card readings 10/28/2024

Two of Swords, Ten of Swords, and Lover
Diplomacy – Accumulation – Decision

Card of the day: Ten of Swords

“Everything that occurs is an accumulation of what you have knowingly or unknowingly set in motion.”
Steven Redhead

Should we be afraid of the Ten of Swords?
The Ten of Swords is more often associated with death than the Death card.
However, the frightening and gloomy perceptions are misinterpretations caused by Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith. Thanks to them and the subsequent efforts of Read more Ten of Swords

3-card readings 10-27-2024


Sunday, 3-card readings 10/27/2024

Page of Wands, Tower, and Nine of Wands
Broadmindedness – Renewal – Exploration

Card of the day: Tower

“Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling.”
Deborah Day

The Tower card is commonly feared and considered to have Read more 3-card readings 10-27-2024