At a closer look, there are many similarities between two or sometimes three cards of the Major Arcana. There are hidden – esoteric -, underlying connections.
One of these pairs can be Read more The Fool and the Hermit
At a closer look, there are many similarities between two or sometimes three cards of the Major Arcana. There are hidden – esoteric -, underlying connections.
One of these pairs can be Read more The Fool and the Hermit
Last December, I was exhausted. I am working for a while now on a Cartomancy manual which will be divided into four large volumes, and it was conceived as a step by step, initiatory process. Although it is roughly based on my three decades on research, study and practical experience, on things I have written and especially on the accompanying book for my first published Tarot deck, the re-writing and re-editing process wear me entirely down. So, last December, I decided to allow my self a small break from work. Those who know me by now knows that ‘break’ in my case means another kind of work, respectively focusing on another project.
Some of you also may notice my interest in so-called dystopian literature, especially Read more Join me on an exciting creative-enlightening journey
Gurdjieff said: “According to an ancient teaching, traces of which may be found in many systems, old and new, a man who has attained the full development possible for man, a man in the full sense of the word, consists of four bodies. These four bodies Read more The four bodies