3-card readings 02/09/2025


Sunday, 3-card readings 02/09/2025

Priestess rev. – Emperor – King of Cups rev.
Prejudice – Enthusiasm – Misadventure

Card of the day: Emperor
Time: 2 to 4 AM

“Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.”
Jim Rohn

– What should you focus on today?
– What makes you get out of bed?
– What is the most exciting thing in your life?

I would say that it is a complex and controversial situation.
As most frequently in life, things are not unequivocally black or white.
The Tarot readings provide a snapshot of the moment Read more 3-card readings 02/09/2025

Monday, 3-card readings 02/03/2025

Once again, beyond the effective reading, the issues discussed today are important and worth sharing with all of you.

Ace of Cups rev. – Eight of Cups rev. – King of Wands rev.
Fears – Jealousy – Apathy

Card of the day: Eight of Cups rev.
Time: 7:20 to 8 AM

“Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.”
Emily Dickinson

– What should you focus on today?
– Why are you jealous? What makes you jealous?
– What is the source of your insecurity?
– Why are you so afraid?

The answer to most questions is in the card representing past: fears.
Fears are quite interesting. Often, no reason justifies fear, no immediate threat, and there are no Read more Monday, 3-card readings 02/03/2025

Kazanlar Tarot new edition

The Kazanlar Tarot uniquely combines marvellous art with dense, esoteric content. A new edition of the deck is available at https://kazanlartarot.com/en/, and a guidebook in English or Hungarian can be purchased. It is a must for any true Tarot enthusiast or collector.

Special thanks to Rácz Zoltán and Kazanlár Szilvia Fatima.


#tarot #kazanlartarot #esoterictarot #ecumenicaltarot

3-card readings 01/24/2025

Stars – Sacrifice – Empress rev.
Guidance – Introspection – Stubbornness

Card of the day: Sacrifice
Time: 12 AM to 2 PM

“Even if no salvation should come, I want to be worthy of it at every moment.”
Franz Kafka

– What should you focus on today?
– Which are your most hidden feelings? What is your inner driving force?
– What are the things about the outside world you dislike the most? What do you think needs to be changed?

If we call it by its traditional name, the Hanged Man, Sacrifice has a negative, unpleasant vibe. Sacrifice, while not sugarcoating its vibration, gives a better sense to the card.
Primarily, it means Read more 3-card readings 01/24/2025

Friday, 3-card readings 01/17/2025

3-card readings UET 01.17.2025

World – Sun rev. – Tower
Liberation – Self-pity – Renewal

Card of the day: Sun rev.
Time: 6 to 8 AM

“You have no choice. You must leave your ego on the doorstep before you enter love.”
Kamand Kojouri

– What should you focus on today?
– What is missing from your heart? What makes you unhappy?

Sometimes, finding solutions to our problems and life is about reverse engineering.
In order to understand what could make us happy, sometimes we need to know what makes us unhappy.
It is another step in Read more Friday, 3-card readings 01/17/2025


If you want to know if you are pregnant, get a pregnancy test. If you want to know what other people are doing, feeling or thinking, talk with them.
The Tarot cards are not occult spying instruments and won’t fix your issues. The cards can’t make decisions and can’t change your life instead of you.
The cards can show you the circumstances and reveal possible options. The rest is up to you.

#attilakarpathy #unifiedesoterictarot #tarot

Sunday, 3-card readings 01/12/2025

Seven of Cups – Four of Wands rev. – Six of Wands rev.
Awareness – Separation – Hedonism

Card of the day: Four of Wands rev.
Time: 4 to 4:40 AM

“Be the flame, not the moth.”
Giacomo Casanova

– What should you focus on today?
– What does separation mean to you? Is it your decision or the other part? From what or whom should you separate yourself?

Both the Four and Six of Wands are highly sexually charged cards. Yet, they can also refer to creativity and starting, respectively, putting time and energy into a project.
However, the reversed Read more Sunday, 3-card readings 01/12/2025

Attila, the unholy

According to Wikipedia, in Christianity, a name day is a tradition in many European countries, the Americas, and Christian communities elsewhere. It consists of celebrating a day of the year associated with one’s baptismal name, which is normatively that of a biblical character or other saint. Where they are popular, individuals celebrate both their name day and their birthday in a given year.
The custom originated with Read more Attila, the unholy