78 artists decided to design and create the 78 cards of the Tarot deck. At first sight this idea might sound a little bit crazy and the outcome quite eclectic, but surprisingly the result it’s outstanding. Kayti and her team simply surpassed themselves!
78 Tarot grew completely organically. It was one of those things that just happened. Kayti was chatting with people online in a facebook group they were all in. One of the members happened to be a Tarotist, which sparked this conversation. Kayti, having recently discovered the magic of facebook groups, decided to start one for 78 Tarot. She asked some of her friends to help and it took off from there. Within 24 hours we had 78 artists, using the network of artists on facebook that we already knew.
Throughout the month of January the 78 Tarot Creative Team gets right to work on branding, marketing, and website design. Shana Cinquegrana develops the logo and branding, and Kayti Welsh creates the website with the help of Melanie Starr. Tanya Ross begins collecting information from all 78 artists such as interviews and their Work in Progress pictures, while Trish Sullivan takes the lead in managing every single social media channel. Delphine Levesque Demers comes in to take over handling the artists and human resources.
Our 78 Artists create their cards from February until June. In just 6 months after the idea was born, 78 Tarot cards have been created by 78 different artists. Featuring The High Priestess by Jasmine Becket-Griffith, The Magician by Larry Elmore, 10 of Pentacles by Meredith Dillman, The Hierophant by Tiffany Toland-Scott, and much more talent that can be listed. Kayti holds the first prototype in her hand in June.
Not having any experience what-so-ever with crowd-funding, we launch our Kickstarter with a goal of 20,000. Within the first day we topped 6k. Within the first week we were halfway to our goal. We reach our goal with 4 days to spare and end up with 124% funding.
78 Tarot deck – collective art creation