Secrets of Crowley’s Thoth Tarot

Fortune-telling with playing cards comparative charts

Fortune-telling with playing cards comparative charts
Aleister Crowley was an English occultist, ceremonial magician, adventurer, mountaineer, poet, painter, novelist, and allegedly spy or secret government agent, member, or co-founder of several esoteric orders, founder of Thelema, considered the Godfather of modern Satanism and labelled by the press of his time as being “the wickedest man in the world”. Preceded mainly by his bad reputation, Crowley is the one to love or hate. He has remained one of the most influential figures of the twentieth century, both amongst occult-ists and in popular culture. In 2002, a BBC poll placed Crowley on the honourable seventy-third position in a list of the 100 Greatest Britons, a list led by Sir Winston Churchill, and populated by prominent personalities such as Charles Darwin, William Shakespeare, Sir Isaac Newton, John Lennon or Diana, Princess of Wales. He has become even more famous after his death than during his life. Read more Secrets of Crowley’s Thoth Tarot

The Magic Tarot by Frédéric Lionel



Frédéric Lionel was born on 17 July 1908, at 5 AM in Amphion les Bains, France. His father was a successful engineer. After finishing the high school in Geneva, Lionel studied mechanical engineering at the Technischen Hochschule in Zürich, later cybernetics in the United States. In the thirties, he worked in Paris as an engineer in his own firm. Read more The Magic Tarot by Frédéric Lionel

The Golden Hermetic Tarot

The Golden Hermetic and Fortune Telling Tarot 2018

The Golden Hermetic and Fortune Telling Tarot deck is a traditional 78-cards Tarot deck on 70mm x 121mm, 2.75″ x 4.75″ smooth, 300gsm professional quality card stock and the first ever high gloss embossed printed Tarot deck.
The addition of raised high gloss printing with a touch and feel dimension to the cards make the difference! Read more The Golden Hermetic Tarot

The Unified Esoteric Tarot handbook

The Unified Esoteric Tarot Handbook 2018

The Unified Esoteric Tarot Handbook 2018

The first volume of the “The Unified Esoteric Tarot handbook” is the result of over twenty-five years of research, study and practice.
The first volume consists of a general introduction to the fundamental esoteric laws and principles, and general notions of Astrology, Numerology, Alchemy, Kabbalah and Tarot. For the first time, these branches of the esoteric science are considered one, complex, unitary system deeply interconnected and not as alternatives but complementary methods of knowledge. This is not a book but a manual. Read more The Unified Esoteric Tarot handbook

Esoteric, mesoteric and exoteric

Esoteric Tarot (

Esoteric Tarot (

“Esoteric” means hidden, secret, belonging to the select few; while “exoteric” means “public”, respectively commonly known, accessible for large masses, respectively to anybody. Gurdjieff also speaks about a third circle, the “mesoteric” which is in the middle, respectively in between the esoteric and exoteric circles .
Think of an egg. On the outside is the eggshell. The eggshell would be the “exoteric” circle. The surface which is accessible for everybody. On the inside is albumen – or egg white – which would be the “mesoteric” circle. In the middle of the egg white, protected and hidden is the egg yolk which would be the “esoteric” circle.
According to Gurdjieff, people belonging to the “exoteric” circle are the so-called “mechanical humanity”, people exposed and living by the rules and will imply from outside, people living their lives unconsciously. Read more Esoteric, mesoteric and exoteric

78 days Tarot challenge, day twenty-two

20180122 13-2 The Fool

20180122 13-2 The Fool

Day twenty-two: The Fool
I’m glad that I draw this card today and I have the chance to speak a little bit about Kabbalah. I don’t believe in coincidences, day twenty-two and a card which showcase the Tree of Life. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day twenty-two

78 days Tarot challenge, day twenty-one

20180121 69-9 Six of Swords

20180121 69-9 Six of Swords

Day twenty-one: Six of Swords.
I named this card Departure. It is about leaving behind ideas, concepts, and not about the physical departure. None of the Swords cards is about physical or material things, but about thoughts and concepts, about prejudices and mentalities. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day twenty-one

78 days Tarot challenge, day twenty

20180120 1-1 Lust [Strength]

20180120 1-1 Lust [Strength]

Day twenty: Lust [Strength].
Lust is the card of the zodiac sign Leo.
According to the Ptolemaic Astrology, Leo is a masculine sign.
I seriously doubt that. Let me elaborate. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day twenty

78 days Tarot challenge, day nineteen

20180119 48-12 Six of Disks

20180119 48-12 Six of Disks

Day nineteen: Six of Disks.
Now, this is a really nice card to draw in the day I have launched the crowd-funding platform for the publishing of the first limited edition of the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day nineteen

78 days Tarot challenge, day eighteen

20180118 30-4 Ace of Cups

20180118 30-4 Ace of Cups

Day eighteen: Ace of Cups.
The four Aces represent the four cardinal points, the four seasons, respectively the four major astronomical events, the two equinoxes and the two solstices. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day eighteen