Kazanlar Tarot new edition

The Kazanlar Tarot uniquely combines marvellous art with dense, esoteric content. A new edition of the deck is available at https://kazanlartarot.com/en/, and a guidebook in English or Hungarian can be purchased. It is a must for any true Tarot enthusiast or collector.

Special thanks to Rácz Zoltán and Kazanlár Szilvia Fatima.


#tarot #kazanlartarot #esoterictarot #ecumenicaltarot

Attila, the unholy

According to Wikipedia, in Christianity, a name day is a tradition in many European countries, the Americas, and Christian communities elsewhere. It consists of celebrating a day of the year associated with one’s baptismal name, which is normatively that of a biblical character or other saint. Where they are popular, individuals celebrate both their name day and their birthday in a given year.
The custom originated with Read more Attila, the unholy

Concentric and vertical


Acrylic colours on canvas.
30×30 cm – 11.81×11.81 inch.

“Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground – trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” (Genesis 2:8-9)

According to the Biblical Hebrew, the formula Read more Concentric and vertical

The Dragon Slayer

The Dragon slayer (Saint George II)

The Dragon Slayer (Saint George II)

Acrylic colours on canvas.
20×30 cm (7.87x 11.81 inch)
Bucharest, September, 2024.
Private collection.

My second instalment of Saint George slaying the dragon.
The primary inspiration for this painting was the Equestrian Portrait of Carmen Bordiu-Franco by Salvador Dali, painted in 1974. I recycled that image and rendered it into Read more The Dragon Slayer

Good faith versus critical thinking


In the digital age, information is more plentiful than ever, but parsing truth from fiction can be daunting.
According to Wikipedia, rationality is the quality of being guided by or based on reason. In this regard, a person acts rationally if they have a good reason for what they do, or a belief is rational if it is based on solid evidence.
However, apparently, we are programmed to be irrational.
I always considered Read more Good faith versus critical thinking

About G_d

About G_d

“G_d and I had a fair and cordial relationship. I never asked for anything, and G_d never gave me something. I didn’t bother G_d, and most likely, G_d was unaware of my existence. In that matter, I believe I was G_d’s favourite creature. It was almost like a good neighbour relationship in which we smiled and said hello whenever we met, but we never knew each other’s names.
G_d was everywhere and nowhere. The mathematical difference between everything and nothing is zero.”

Excerpt from the novel Waiting on the Bench by Attila Karpathy.

#attilakarpathy #tarot #esoteric #esotericnovel #novel

Kick out the lives


I created a new Kick channel for live readings, Tarot lessons, reviews and Q&A sessions.

In order to start monetising the channel, I need at least 100 subscribers.

Subscription is free.

As the 100 target is reached, one randomly selected subscriber will be rewarded with Read more Kick out the lives