Celestial Tarot

The Celestial Tarot is from the author of the Spiral Tarot, Kay Steventon. The pretty, non-traditional images directly associate astrology, the planets, and the constellations with the 78 Tarot cards. Twenty-two majors are zodiacal constellations and ten planets (Pluto is counted as a planet) of astrology. Read more Celestial Tarot

Kazanlar Tarot

Ecumenism, also called interdenominationalism or ecumenicalism, is the concept and principle that Christians from different Christian denominations should work together to develop closer relationships among their churches and promote Christian unity.
Dr Emil Kazanlár brought the concept to the next level by blending all the major religions as a Tarot deck. The four pillars of the deck, commonly known as the Suits, are distributed between Far East, European, Egyptian and Persian traditions, combining Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and ancient Middle Eastern traditions through the kabbalistic teachings of the Tree of Life. It is a bold Read more Kazanlar Tarot

Akron Tarot

The Akron Tarot is a German set with 80 cards and a large 395 companion book. The surreal Tarot scenes depart from standard imagery and emphasise the female energies. This deck is very unique in many ways. For one, the author, the same author of the Baphomet Tarot, and team of people working on the deck were hoping to create something that would stand the test of time and be completely different from any other decks out there. Read more Akron Tarot

Mantegna Tarocchi – E and S-series

The Mantegna Tarocchi, also known as the Tarocchi Cards, Tarocchi in the style of Mantegna, Baldini Cards, are two different sets each of fifty 15th-century Italian old master prints in engraving, by two different unknown artists. The sets are known as the E-series Tarocchi Cards and the S-series Tarocchi Cards (or E series, e-series etc.), and their artists are known as the “Master of the E-series Tarocchi” and the “Master of the S-series Tarocchi”. There are also a number of copies and later versions. Read more Mantegna Tarocchi – E and S-series

A Timeline of Tarot from 1750 to 1980

This is a very useful timeline of Tarot published originally by Mary K. Greer under the title „A Timeline of the Occult and Divinatory Tarot from 1750 to 1980” and collected by Mary K. Greer with assistance from Lola Lucas and K. Frank Jensen. Source: tarotpassages.com
This is an extraordinary effort and a complete inventory of the facts we know about the Tarot. Please support the authors for this valuable material. Read more A Timeline of Tarot from 1750 to 1980