Monday, 3-card readings 02/03/2025

Once again, beyond the effective reading, the issues discussed today are important and worth sharing with all of you.

Ace of Cups rev. – Eight of Cups rev. – King of Wands rev.
Fears – Jealousy – Apathy

Card of the day: Eight of Cups rev.
Time: 7:20 to 8 AM

“Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.”
Emily Dickinson

– What should you focus on today?
– Why are you jealous? What makes you jealous?
– What is the source of your insecurity?
– Why are you so afraid?

The answer to most questions is in the card representing past: fears.
Fears are quite interesting. Often, no reason justifies fear, no immediate threat, and there are no Read more Monday, 3-card readings 02/03/2025

3-card readings 01/24/2025

Stars – Sacrifice – Empress rev.
Guidance – Introspection – Stubbornness

Card of the day: Sacrifice
Time: 12 AM to 2 PM

“Even if no salvation should come, I want to be worthy of it at every moment.”
Franz Kafka

– What should you focus on today?
– Which are your most hidden feelings? What is your inner driving force?
– What are the things about the outside world you dislike the most? What do you think needs to be changed?

If we call it by its traditional name, the Hanged Man, Sacrifice has a negative, unpleasant vibe. Sacrifice, while not sugarcoating its vibration, gives a better sense to the card.
Primarily, it means Read more 3-card readings 01/24/2025

Friday, 3-card readings 01/17/2025

3-card readings UET 01.17.2025

World – Sun rev. – Tower
Liberation – Self-pity – Renewal

Card of the day: Sun rev.
Time: 6 to 8 AM

“You have no choice. You must leave your ego on the doorstep before you enter love.”
Kamand Kojouri

– What should you focus on today?
– What is missing from your heart? What makes you unhappy?

Sometimes, finding solutions to our problems and life is about reverse engineering.
In order to understand what could make us happy, sometimes we need to know what makes us unhappy.
It is another step in Read more Friday, 3-card readings 01/17/2025

3-card readings 11/10/2024

3-card readings 11-10-2024

Eight of Disks rev., Nine of Cups, Ace of Wands
Deadlock – Self-remembering – Action

Card of the day: Nine of Cups

“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”
May Sarton

It’s been quite an emotional period lately.
The Nine of Cups reminds us of who we are, why we Read more 3-card readings 11/10/2024

3-card readings 11/03/2024

3-card readings 11-03-2024

Sunday, 3-card readings 11/03/2024

Knight of Wands rev., Page of Wands, Sun
Negligence – Broadmindedness – Love

Card of the day: Page of Wands

“By all means, let’s be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out.”
Richard Dawkins

These are troubled times, and the future seems more uncertain than ever.
Each Court card is a challenge because it combines different types of energies. Here, the Mutable-Air Mercury visits the Mutable-Fire Sagittarius. The situation is double-volatile as both represent the Mutable Quality. Air and Fire are also directly opposite Elements, which further raises the challenge of the situation.
The Page of Wands teaches us to find opportunities and make the most out of the circumstances.
The condition is to be intelligent and adaptable and maintain open communication channels with everyone involved.
Don’t make rushed decisions or act on the first impulse. Do thorough research and be well-informed before making any definitive decisions.
On the other hand, don’t overthink or hesitate too much either.
Short windows of opportunity and unfamiliar circumstances will require courage to go outside your comfort zone.
Therefore, you will have to keep an open mind and accept unusual requests or offers.
The Page of Wands rules the Eight, Nine and Ten of Wands and is subordinate to the Wheel and Justice. These are all energetic and highly inflammable cards.
The Page of Wands offers an escape from the routine and monotony of day-to-day life, represented by the Numerals (Pips), and gives a chance to make a real change. Moving up to a higher plane of spiritual existence, the Wheel represents continuous motion, while Justice guarantees that everything falls in its right place. Yet, Justice is also a message that mistakes will be punished accordingly.
The card indicating the past, the Knight of Wands reversed, is a warning not to be superficial or negligent and not to repeat past mistakes.
The future with the Sun looks bright, meaning you have a real opportunity to step in the right direction.

These are general readings, and if you need answers in a specific situation, you should schedule a personal reading:

#attilakarpathy #unifiedesoterictarot #tarot #threecardreading

3-card readings 10-27-2024


Sunday, 3-card readings 10/27/2024

Page of Wands, Tower, and Nine of Wands
Broadmindedness – Renewal – Exploration

Card of the day: Tower

“Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling.”
Deborah Day

The Tower card is commonly feared and considered to have Read more 3-card readings 10-27-2024

3-card readings 10-20-2024

Sunday, 3-card readings 10/20/2024

Eight of Swords rev., Queen of Cups rev., and Six of Wands
Restlessness – Possessiveness – Lust

Card of the day: Queen of Cups reversed

“I used to advertise my loyalty and I don’t believe there is a single person I loved that I didn’t eventually betray.”
Albert Camus

The Air-Water-Fire combinations show how emotional and instinctive factors are Read more 3-card readings 10-20-2024

3-card readings 10/13/2024


Sunday, 3-card readings 10/13/2024

Knight of Cups rev., Two of Disks rev., and Lover rev.
Burden – Decay – Worries

Card of the day: Two of Disks reversed

“Whoever would rise, must first descend, for only then can the bottommost rise to the top.”
Gustav Meyrink

What comes around goes around.
The natural Two of Disks represents ascension. Reversed, the card signifies decay. While the Wheel (of Fortune) card represents Read more 3-card readings 10/13/2024

3-card readings 10/06/2024


Sunday, 10/06/2024

Queen of Cups rev. (past), Nine of Cups rev. (present), and Three of Swords (future).
Possessiveness – Delusion – Compensation.

Card of the day: Nine of Cups rev.

“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”
May Sarton

One of the factors that affects development is denial.
A new culture of pseudo-inclusiveness and Read more 3-card readings 10/06/2024

3-card readings 09-29-2024


Sunday, 09/29/2024.

Seven of Cups rev. (past), Ace of Swords rev. (present), and Chariot rev. (future)
Turbulences – Questions – Vulnerability

Card of the day: Ace of Swords reversed

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

For this week, I propose a slightly different approach.
Let’s try working Read more 3-card readings 09-29-2024