Many people asked my opinion about C. C. Zain and the Brotherhood of Light, respectively, the system C. C. Zain created and promoted.
First and foremost, nobody holds a monopoly on truth. And by nobody, I mean everybody. Not Claudius Ptolemy, not Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, not John Dee, not Éliphas Lévi, not the illustrious heads of the Golden Dawn, nor Aleister Crowley, not George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, not Frédéric Lionel, not C. C. Zain, and not me for that matter.
Truth has been shredded and dispersed. We only pick up the pieces and try to put them back together according to the best of our knowledge and understanding. Some of us with more talent and success than others.
I sustain critical thinking, and I believe Read more C. C. Zain and the Brotherhood of Light