The Ancient Tarots of Bologna is a historical reproduction of an deck from 1780, created in Bologna, Italy. It is Italian but a Marseilles style deck, and is coloured in deep blues, faded greens and oranges.
The “Ancient Tarots of Bologna” (copyright 1995) is part of a series of historical decks published by Lo Scarabeo. It is a reproduction of a deck originally printed in 1780 in Bologna, showing the Marseilles influence, and follows the traditional Tarot structure.
The Major Arcana, titled in French, are as follows: Le Fol, Le Bateleur, La Papesse, La Imperatrice, Le Empereur, Le Pape, L’amoreux, Le Chariot, La Justice, Le Ermite, Roue de Fortune, La Force, Le Pendu, La Mort, La Temperance, Le Diable, La Maison Dieu, Le Toille, La Lune, Le Sole, Le Jugement, Le Monde.
The suit names are Bastons (Wands), Coupes (Cups), Spe (Epees – Swords), Deniers (Pentacles). The court cards are: Roy (King), Reine (Queen), Cheval (Knight), Valet (Page).
Ancient Tarot of Bologna