KS Ten of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Ten of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Ten of Wands
The message bear by the Ten of Wands is to make the impossible possible. The only impossible Read more KS Ten of Wands

KS The World

Karpathy-Smith Tarot The World

Karpathy-Smith Tarot The World
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players;
they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time Read more KS The World

KS The Moon

Karpathy-Smith Tarot The Moon

Karpathy-Smith Tarot The Moon
The true challenge of the Moon card is to discern between reality and illusion.
In Mesopotamian religion, Sin, the Moon-god, was Read more KS The Moon

KS Queen of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Queen of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Queen of Wands
Determined, impatient and rebellious, the Queen of Wands don’t care about traditions and cherish its independence. Inconstant in love, they Read more KS Queen of Wands

KS The Emperor

Karpathy-Smith Tarot The Emperor

Karpathy-Smith Tarot The Emperor
Digging back down in history, we can learn that the Emperor had several astrological attributions before Crowley associated the card with Aries.
Oswald Wirth matched the Emperor with Virgo, Papus Read more KS The Emperor