4 of Cups

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Four of Cups

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Four of Cups Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: boredom, displeasure, discontent, disgust, aversion, enmity, hatred, horror, worry, anxiety or con-cern, mental pain, slight sorrow, affliction, distressing, unfortunate, tiresome, unpleasant. Distressing, lam-entable or appalling.
Reversed: new teaching, new light. Sign, indication, conjecture. Omen, portent, premonitions, forecast or prognosis, prediction, novelty.

Four of Cups – Moon in the third decan of Cancer.
Upright: The Four of Cups keeps things close to its heart and home with an enhanced sense of ownership. The card reflects domestic and family affairs, private meetings, intimate relationships, small gatherings. It also signifies good intuition and high emotional sensitivity. Another possible meaning is a decision made with heart.
Reversed: Moodiness, oversensitivity, insecurity and suspiciousness.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

3 of Swords

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Three of Swords

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Three of Swords Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: separation, division, rupture, antipathy, section, cut or cutting. Distance, departure, absence, dif-ference or deviation, dispersion, distant, faraway or remote, delay. Disdain, repugnance, aversion, hatred, disgust, horror. Incompatibility, vexation or clash, opposition, unsociability, misanthropy, discourteousness.
Reversed: distraction, insanity or dementia, rambling, mental illness, absent-mindedness, wild or crazy behaviour. Error, disappointment or disillusionment, loss, curve or detour, difference or discrepancy, dispersion, dispersal or scattering.

Three of Swords – Saturn in the second decan of Libra.
Upright: The keywords for the Three of Swords is discipline, patience and discernment. They can be efficient diplomats or negotiators. When a decision needs to be made, they weigh the pros and cons carefully. It is a card of responsibility, stability, long-term relationships, successful negotiations and fruitful, for both sides advantageous cooperations.
Reversed: self-centred, obsessed, unflexible and impatient.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

2 of Swords

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Two of Swords

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Two of Swords Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: friendship, attachment, affection, tenderness, benevolence, rapport, relationship, identity, intima-cy, suitability, correspondence, interest, conformity, friendship, fellow feeling or sympathy, affinity, attrac-tion.
Reversed: false, falseness, lie, fraud, duplicity, bad faith, deception, trick or hoax, dissimulation, betrayal, deception, superficial, area, surface.

Two of Swords – Moon in the first decan of Libra.
Upright: It is a card of partnership, cooperation, diplomacy, concessions and those healthy compromises which are necessary for the day to day life. The card may also signify harmony and a perfect balance emotionally and intellectually with ourselves and our partners. The Two of Swords is a standard for tolerance and adaptability. On a practical note, before making any decision, first, try to walk in the other part’s shoe.
Reversed: undecided, intolerant, moody and inadaptable.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

4 of Swords

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Four of Swords

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Four of Swords Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: exile, banishment, proscription, solitude, desert, retreat, hermitage. Uninhabited, isolated, aban-doned, forsaken or neglected. Tomb or grave, crypt, coffin.
Reversed: Foresight or providence, management, household or housekeeping, savings, avarice. Economy, good conduct, wise administration. Order, arrangement, relationship, suitability, entente, agreement, similarity, harmony, music, disposition or layout. Testament. Reservation, restriction, exception. Circumspection, restraint or self-control, wisdom, friendship, fellow feeling or sympathy, thoughtful-ness, precaution.

Four of Swords – Jupiter in the third decan of Libra.
Upright: The Four of Swords represents fairness, and the key for fixing the issue here is to treat others equally. Open-minded, impartial and willing to learn, they will find opportunities which others will easily overlook. Another quality is to see all sides to an issue and the capability to interact with others wisely and solve any disagreement or problem.
Reversed: egocentric, cocky, arrogant and unrealistic.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

9 of Disks

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Nine of Disks

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Nine of Disks Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: effect, realisation, positive, accomplishment, success.
Reversed: dupery, swindle or fraud, deception, promises, to no effect, vain hopes, aborted plans.

Nine of Disks – Venus in Virgo.
Upright: It is a card of dedication, solitary work, sensitivity, playing safe, but get things done. The Nine of Disks are good listeners, silent observers and pertinent critics. They are detailed oriented and appreciate the so-called small things. Don’t rush into anything and take their time to evaluate all the aspects before making any decision.
Reversed: critical, rigorous, distant and slow.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

10 of Disks

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Ten of Disks

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Ten of Disks Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: house, household, economy, savings. Dwelling or abode, domicile, habitation, manor, lodgings, regiment, building, ship, vase, vessel or receptacle. Archive, château or castle, thatched cottage. Family, ex-traction, race, posterity. Cave or lair, cavern, den or haunt.
Reversed: prize, fortune, game, accident or act of God, chance, ignorance, lot, fate, destiny, mischance or fatality. Happy or unhappy occasion.

Ten of Disks – Mercury in the third decan of Virgo.
Upright: Ten of Disks is all about being practical, learning things, getting involved in projects, doing things which have a tangible outcome. They are analytic, excellent organisers and great team workers. Don’t like being in the spotlight; they prefer to work quietly in the background. They are the perfect embodiment of the proverb: measure twice and cut once.
Reversed: detached, worried, conservative and shy.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

8 of Disks

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Eight of Disks

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Eight of Disks Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: dark-haired girl, passive, depths of night.
Reversed: yearning for the void, avarice, usury.

Eight of Disks – Sun in the first decan of Virgo.
Upright: The card signifies work, diligence, improvement, attention to detail and a responsible attitude. The Eight of Disks will not be holding back any effort to achieve their well-thought-out goal. The card may also signify routine, predictability, slow and steady development. At a personal level, The Eight of Disks is a lone rider, in a relationship, they will need a lot of space and a lot of “me” time.
Reversed: fussy, negligent, withdrawn and elusive.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

5 of Wands

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Five of Wands

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Five of Wands Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: gold, wealth, opulence, splendour, sumptuousness, display or showiness, luxury, abundance, prop-erty. Physical, philosophical and moral sun.
Reversed: trial, litigation disagreement, contention, contestations, disputes, proceedings, investigation, examination or lawsuit. Vexation, discussions, chicanery, quibbling, pestering or interference. Contradiction, inconsistency or inconsequentiality.

Five of Wands – Saturn in the first decan of Leo.
Upright: Five of Wands is craving for recognition, wants to prove themselves and be at charge. Although they have a lot of qualities, sometimes they find it difficult to express themselves and especially to speak openly about their feelings. They are very disciplined, conservative, restrictive, cautious and even over-cautious and combined with the lack of spontaneity makes them difficult people to work or live with and can alienate others. Their strong will and determination can make them politicians or leaders.
Reversed: bossy, egocentric, restrictive and rigid.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

7 of Wands

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Seven of Wands

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Seven of Wands Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: negotiation, interview or discussion, conference, colloquium, conversation, essay or speech, delib-eration, resolution, decision, discussion. Speech, pronouncement, language, idiom, patois or dialect, transac-tion, exchange, measure, commerce, traffic, correspondence. Talk, say, utter, confer, gossip, chat, divide, prattle, blab.
Reversed: indecisiveness, uncertainty, indecision, perplexity, inconstancy, casualness or irresponsibility, variation, variety, diversity, hesitation. To wobble, to vacillate, versatility.

Seven of Wands – Mars in the first decan of Leo.
Upright: The Seven of Wands signifies pride, authority, self-confidence and self-sufficiency, strong will and physical energy. They want to leave something significant behind and create a lasting impression. In relationships, they are passionate, like to be the centre of attention, and they are affectionate and demonstrative. However, they dislike rivalry, completion and unfaithfulness.
Reversed: impulsive, overbearing, domineering and stubborn.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

6 of Wands

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Six of Wands

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Six of Wands Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: domestic servant, manservant, valet, lackey, maidservant, mercenary, inferior, slave. Messenger, agent or broker, housekeeper or housekeeping. The indoor part of the house, household, family, the whole household staff.
Reversed: wait, hope, expectation, to rely or depend upon, to build upon, to trust, to make up one’s mind. Confidence or reliance, foresight, precaution or providence. Fear, apprehension.

Six of Wands – Jupiter in the second decan of Leo.
Upright: It is a card of luck, prosperity, dignity and honours. They love to show off their status and wealth. Social position is very important for them. The Six of Wands is good at making its own opportunities and taking calculated risks. They are self-reliant, courageous, full of vitality and open to explore new things.
Reversed: Gambler, self-centred, dishonest and melodramatic.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot