Before beginning to speak about August, I would like to return to July and talk about trading and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.
In the past six months, many of my new Patreon supporters have been traders or people interested in mixing trading with esoteric matters.
Some of them complained that they had suffered losses in July, and I am truly sorry about that.
Once again, I’m not involved in trading, and my market knowledge is, at best, pretty limited.
I designed the Wheel charts to assist with working alongside individuals. Recently, I have made adjustments to utilize them for trading purposes. These charts are available in yearly, monthly, and daily formats. And these formats are interconnected, and it is like a zooming-in process. On the yearly chart, you may notice some interesting moments in particular months, while on the monthly charts, you may identify specific days, and in the daily charts, these moments come down to hours and minutes.
However, I recommended cautiousness and patience. Observe these phenomena, and compare the charts with past and present market events.
I would recommend virtual trading for at least one year. Instead of losing real money, operate only on paper for a fixed time, see how it works, which decisions and investments or moves worked out and which didn’t, and learn from your own success and mistakes.
Trading and occultism seem quite similar. They both require patience, training Read more August report