3-card readings on YouTube

Daily three-card readings

I am performing three-card readings with the Unified Esoteric Tarot six days a week through my Patreon page.
The short versions of the video posted on YouTube only include the card of the day.

No specific questions, generic readings with guiding purpose.
If you don’t know what to do and where to start, these readings may provide you an option starting from somewhere and build something – at least spiritually.

These videos are available exclusively through my Patreon page for only 17 USD monthly, six videos a week.

I hope you will enjoy them.
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If you have any suggestions, please leave me a comment.
I appreciate it!

#tarot #tarotreadings #dailytarotreadings #UnifiedEsotericTarot #attilakarpathy

2 comments on “3-card readings on YouTube

  1. Dear Attila,
    I have only just come across your work; I feel your frustration in having no support for your project involving Angelic energies. It also saddens me that you have decided to postpone the work indefinitely (I was searching for some information regarding sigils, which is how I came across your work in the fist instant).
    I will be sure to follow what you are doing ,moving forward. However, I would be delighted if you could drop me a line as I have personal involvement with the Seraphic energy of Mahasiah- (if you are at all interested?),

    I have been compelled by my guides to contact you regarding tis matter as; your project is considered rather important, for what is coming,
    I for one, would feel blessed to collaborate with you to share your burden, if you ever felt the desired to resurrect your project and continue the work.
    Hoping to hear back from you.

    Kind Regards

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