The Tower – study session

The Tower [work in progress]

The Tower [work in progress]
The Tower

Etteilla’s interpretation of the card.
Upright: Loss of goods, accident, the collapse of convictions. Misery, wretchedness, distress, destitution, poverty, shortage, need, necessity, calamity, adversity, misfortune, trouble, torment, pain, affliction, annoyance, inconvenience, penalty, Read more The Tower – study session

Staring at the Sun

59 The Sun [work in progress]

59 The Sun [work in progress]
Etteilla’s interpretation of the card.
Upright: Englightenment, lightening, explanation. Clarity, glory, Heaven and Earth. Philosophical sulfur.
Reversed: Fire. Heat, warmth, glow, flame, passion. Meteors, lightning. Internal, external and philosophical fire.

S.L. MacGregor Mathers’ interpretation of the card as it was presented in his book ‘The Tarot’.
Upright: Happiness, content, joy.
Reversed: Happiness, content and joy in a minor degree.

A.E. Waite’s The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.

The naked child mounted on a white horse and displaying a Read more Staring at the Sun

An alternative architecture of the Major Arcana

The alternative architecture of the Major Arcana

The alternative architecture of the Major Arcana
Learning is not a matter of memorising but understanding. Learning begins with unlearning. One should keep its mind and options open.
When it comes to the Tarot deck, it is not about the cards separately but discovering the subtle connection between them and look at the deck as a complex system similar to a clockwork. Each individual piece is essential, but only together, they make sense.
Most commonly, the Tarot deck is divided into two the Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of twenty-two so-called Trumps, while the Minor Arcana consists of four Suits, each of fourteen cards.
There are many different ways to look at the cards of the Major Arcana. It is a generally accepted convention that Read more An alternative architecture of the Major Arcana

The Stars

The Stars

The Stars
The Stars

“Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering.” Saint Augustine, Augustine of Hippo, also known as Saint Augustine, was a Roman African, Manichaean, early Christian theologian, doctor of the Church, and Neoplatonic philosopher from Numidia. Read more The Stars

The Fool and the Hermit

RWS The Fool and the Hermit

RWS The Fool and the Hermit
At a closer look, there are many similarities between two or sometimes three cards of the Major Arcana. There are hidden – esoteric -, underlying connections.
One of these pairs can be Read more The Fool and the Hermit

Join me on an exciting creative-enlightening journey

Two of Cups [work in progress]

Two of Cups [work in progress]
Last December, I was exhausted. I am working for a while now on a Cartomancy manual which will be divided into four large volumes, and it was conceived as a step by step, initiatory process. Although it is roughly based on my three decades on research, study and practical experience, on things I have written and especially on the accompanying book for my first published Tarot deck, the re-writing and re-editing process wear me entirely down. So, last December, I decided to allow my self a small break from work. Those who know me by now knows that ‘break’ in my case means another kind of work, respectively focusing on another project.
Some of you also may notice my interest in so-called dystopian literature, especially Read more Join me on an exciting creative-enlightening journey

The four bodies

The four bodies

The four bodies
Gurdjieff said: “According to an ancient teaching, traces of which may be found in many systems, old and new, a man who has attained the full development possible for man, a man in the full sense of the word, consists of four bodies. These four bodies Read more The four bodies