78 days Tarot challenge, day seven

20180107 2-2 The Emperor

20180107 2-2 The Emperor

Day seven: The Emperor.
The Emperor represents the zodiac sign Aries, and its general significance is enthusiasm. The explosive energy of The Emperor when the card is in reversed position turns into rage, and sometimes it signifies an abusive person or action/relationship. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day seven

78 days Tarot challenge, day six

20180106 7-7 The Universe

20180106 7-7 The Universe

Day six: The Universe (The World).
The Universe is the card representing the zodiac sign Aquarius.
Aquarius is a Fixed (Feminine) Air sign, the dominant ruling planet is Uranus, and the number associated with it is seven. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day six

78 days Tarot challenge, day five

20180105 21-9 The Lovers

20180105 21-9 The Lovers

Day five: The Lovers.
The Lovers was for a very long time associated with the idea of love and marriage.
Probably, it is one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted Tarot card.
In each case, there is a story behind the significance of the Tarot cards.
In the case of The Lovers, it is the story of Adam, Eve and Lilith. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day five

78 days Tarot challenge, day four

20180104 44-8 2 Nine of Swords

20180104 44-8 2 Nine of Swords

Day four: Nine of Swords.
The vast majority of the Tarot readers consider the Nine of Swords card to carry a ‘negative’ connotation, while the unaware audience feels uneasy looking at such Tarot cards as The Devil, Death, The Tower, Judgement, Four, Nine and Ten of Swords and so on. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day four

78 days Tarot challenge, day three

20180103 75-3 Eight of Wands

20180103 75-3 Eight of Wands

Day three: Eight of Wands.
The vast majority of the specialists consider the Eight of Wands the easier to read Tarot card. Its general significance is motion and change. More specifically represent a sudden change.
Although these changes may appear sudden and unexpected, actually they represent the natural dynamics of the life: one day we are up, next day will be down, just like the motion of the wheel.
The cards’ Major Arcane patron is The Wheel. The Wheel represents major changes on a global level. The Eight of Wands represents consistent changes in our current way of life. In both cases, these are changes coming from the outside, not changes we choose to do. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day three

78 days Tarot challenge, day two

20180102 58-11 Nine of Disks

20180102 58-11 Nine of Disks

Day two: Nine of Disks.
The so-called “small cards” or “numerals”, the cards numbered from two to ten represents our mundane life and our relationship with others.
While there is nothing we can do about how the planets influence our existence, we cannot change the path of the planets or the angle in which the Earth is with them at particular moments; but we can change our way of feeling, thinking or acting, respectively interacting with others. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day two

78 days Tarot challenge, day one

20180101 32-1 Queen of Swords

20180101 32-1 Queen of Swords

Day one: The Queen of Swords.
The first card I draw is the Queen of Swords – a very nice card to start this journey actually!
The Court Cards represents our higher aspirations, our need to evolve and get to the next level of consciousness. This is a difficult and mostly unpleasant process. Evolution is never natural, never comes easy. On the contrary, evolution is against nature, against the status quo. Read more 78 days Tarot challenge, day one

Yes, No, and Maybe type of questions

Yes, No, Maybe

Yes, No, Maybe

I don’t recommend the use of the ‘Yes or No’ type of questions because I have my reserves regarding the accuracy of the answers to these questions. That doesn’t mean, it is not possible to use the Tarot cards for this purpose. Read more Yes, No, and Maybe type of questions

Understanding the Knights

Tarot-The Knights

Tarot-The Knights

Tarot is all about Astrology. Astrology is fundamentally Geometry. We should first understand the architecture of the entire Tarot deck, instead focusing on the cards individual meaning. Knowing and understand the significance and the place of each card on the Wheel of the Zodiac is the key to understand their individual meaning. Read more Understanding the Knights

Unified Esoteric Tarot 2017

Unified Esoteric Tarot 2017

Unified Esoteric Tarot

The Unified Esoteric Tarot deck is a standard 78 cards Tarot deck, resulted from 25 years of research, study and practical experience of card reading. The main idea at the foundation of this deck was to reveal the hidden connection between all the branches of the esoteric sciences and provide a very intuitive instrument both for beginner and advanced Tarot practitioners. I provide a modern instrument of self-exploration and development based on both the ancient teachings and modern psychology. Read more Unified Esoteric Tarot 2017