The Fool (Excerpt)

78 The Fool [work in progress]

78 The Fool [work in progress]
Back in April, I started a large project which includes a Tarot inspired, esoteric, dystopian-crime novel. Here is a small excerpt from Chapter four, The Fool.

Chapter four, The Fool

“Those who will not reason are bigots, those who cannot are fools, and those who dare not are slaves.”
(Lord Byron, English poet, peer and politician)

Julian lited up another cigarette. The famous last one before the next. The last cigarette before quit smoking, the last cigarette before supper, the last cigarette before going to bed, the last cigarette before whatsoever. Occasionally, something big, significant, unforgettable like a drunken New Year’s Eve or a birthday party that has gone terribly wrong. Julian loved each and every one of his last cigarettes. They are were all special – and not only because it was problematic to get real cigarettes these days. Truthfully, Julian Read more The Fool (Excerpt)

Studying the Three of Swords

23 Three of Swords [work in progress]

23 Three of Swords [work in progress]
Three of Swords

Etteilla’s interpretation of the card.
Upright: Distance, departure, absence, difference, deviation, dispersion, distant, faraway, Read more Studying the Three of Swords

Monkey business

Etsy 2020

Etsy 2020
According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary means ‘illegal or improper activity or behaviour’.
I am – among many other things – a self-publishing Tarot creator. I generally create ‘odd’, uncommercial decks. It is my opinion that the Tarot primordially is an instrument of preserving and transmitting esoteric knowledge (wisdom).
I do not have the possibility to print and store larger quantities of my decks, let’s say 2000 copies, which, obviously, means considerably lower production costs. At this point, I only can offer print-on-demand decks, which means Read more Monkey business

Sacred mathematics

sacred mathematics

sacred mathematics
“An exploration of the arcana of the Tarot requires an understanding of sacred mathematics, which considers Number as a pure link between the World and its manifestation. The ‘World’ understood as Divine Breath initiating everything existing and therefore manifesting the Logos – the Law of Justice and Harmony reflected by Read more Sacred mathematics

About the new Numerology course

ITF Numerology course

ITF Numerology course
Astrology and Numerology are not alternatives, but complementary methods of knowledge. These two branches of the esoteric science are deeply interconnected. St. Augustine of Hippo noted that “numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth.”
Mathematics is considered the language of God(s) and therefore, the language of creation. According to the Jewish mystical tradition Read more About the new Numerology course

Aquarian Hermetic Tarot SE

Aqurian Hermetic Tarot SE

Aqurian Hermetic Tarot SE
Hermeticism, also called Hermetism, is a philosophical and esoteric tradition based primarily upon the writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. The name Hermes Trismegistus in Ancient Greek means ‘thrice-greatest Hermes’ and was translated into Latin as “Mercurius ter Maximus”.
Hermes Trismegistus may be associated with the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. Read more Aquarian Hermetic Tarot SE

The Tower – study session

The Tower [work in progress]

The Tower [work in progress]
The Tower

Etteilla’s interpretation of the card.
Upright: Loss of goods, accident, the collapse of convictions. Misery, wretchedness, distress, destitution, poverty, shortage, need, necessity, calamity, adversity, misfortune, trouble, torment, pain, affliction, annoyance, inconvenience, penalty, Read more The Tower – study session