Each Ace contains the seed of a future opportunity. The Ace of Swords represents a brilliant idea which with proper care, will grow and flourish. The Ace of Wands is Read more KS Ace of Swords
Each Ace contains the seed of a future opportunity. The Ace of Swords represents a brilliant idea which with proper care, will grow and flourish. The Ace of Wands is Read more KS Ace of Swords
In terms of traditional cartomancy, the Six of Wands signify victory, achievement, stepping up.
Underneath the euphoria of Read more KS Six of Wands
My astrological attribution of the card is Scorpio, respectively Scorpio woman and Pluto in Scorpio. A short description would be: emotionally highly charged, but Read more KS Little Death
The one word that describes perfectly Temperance is moderation. The moderated temperament is the primary argument to assign Temperance to Read more KS Temperance
Translated to modern English, the Queen of Disks represents a brunette, hard-working, motherly figure. Material security and having Read more KS Queen of Disks
The Three of Swords is most often associated with heartbreak, sorrow, desperation and shedding tears. Sometimes it has been read as a reference to a love triangle and betrayal. However, most readers seem to overlook that Read more KS Three of Swords
The way of reading The Lover has changed through time, and an ‘s’ letter was added to its title. Originally it was considered Read more KS Lover
Netzach is the seventh of the ten Sefirot and signifies ‘victory’. Netzach is associated in the soul with the power to overcome Read more KS Seven of Wands
The Ten of Swords is probably one of the most feared cards of the deck. It feels deader than Death. The dark sky and ten oversized, heavy Read more KS Ten of Swords
The Knight of Cups’ struggle is between his drive to achieve greatness in the public eye and his tight Read more KS KNight of Cups