Tarot and COVID-19

Tarot and covid-19

Tarot and covid-19
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic brought up many questions regarding this situation and how it will have an impact on our lives and our future. The Tarot community is not immune to these troubling issues.
What can the cards tell about a virus and a pandemic? In my opinion, Read more Tarot and COVID-19

Button Soup Tarot

Button Soup Tarot – a collaboration deck, produced by Cult of Tarot forum.

Putting together a collaborative Tarot deck with thirty-nine artists is not an easy task. Joan Marie just managed fine to keep it all together and brought the ship to the destination.
Some may find these collaborative decks too eclectic – and in some cases they probably are. However, if one will consider that each Tarot card hard has its own spirit and represents a singular, specific aspect, a multi-artist collaborative deck makes perfect sense. On the other hand, the magick Read more Button Soup Tarot

Practical Tarot Shadow work explained

Tarot shadow work

Tarot shadow work
The idea of ‘shadow’ originates in the work of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. In Jungian psychology, the ‘shadow’ refers to an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself, or it is a suppressed aspect of our nature. The shadow is roughly equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious. Contrary to a Freudian definition of shadow, on the other hand, the Jungian shadow can include everything outside consciousness. It can be both positive or negative. According to Jung, the shadow Read more Practical Tarot Shadow work explained

Counterfeit Tarot decks and insatiable consumers

Warning: long read.
Of all the methods by which humans seek to peek into the future, into the mysteries of fortune and fate, Cartomancy is by far the most popular. Of all the Cartomancy methods, the one that arouses the most interest, at least in the last couple of decades, is the Tarot. However, not too far back into the past Tarot cards were hard to come by.
Tarot is not a ‘simple’ deck of cards by no means. Although it can be used efficiently to predict future trends, it is not necessarily a typical fortune-telling instrument. The Tarot is most likely one of the most complex and mysterious vehicles of preserving and transmitting ancient knowledge. How exactly ancient is that knowledge, nobody can determine. While the vast majority Read more Counterfeit Tarot decks and insatiable consumers