I just reconfigured my Patreon tiers into 6 levels of mentoring. More direct, one on one interaction, including regular Tarot reading sessions. You can choose from one monthly reading to daily communication and guidance. Read more New Patreon tiers
I just reconfigured my Patreon tiers into 6 levels of mentoring. More direct, one on one interaction, including regular Tarot reading sessions. You can choose from one monthly reading to daily communication and guidance. Read more New Patreon tiers
Saturday, 28 January, a new live session on YouTube.
Discussions about the Tarot – answering your questions and free readings. Read more Live YouTube session on 28 January 2023
Esoteric is not a matter of public or common knowledge. Most people still don’t comprehend that occult and esoteric means secret, hidden and not accessible to the many. Therefore, what is common knowledge is pseudo-esoteric or false-esoteric.
On the other hand, it is not “my system” because I believe it is the original system, and I only re-discover it, taped into the so-called collective unconscious and have accessed already existing information, connected or re-connected already existing dots.
A brilliant example is the Tarot card called the Magician.
The Unified Esoteric Tarot formula, Read more The Unified Esoteric System and the Magician card
In the Tarot, the Four of Pentacles is often depicted as a person clutching a pentacle tightly to their chest. The pentacle, a five-pointed star within a circle, is a symbol of the element of Earth and material possessions.
Pentacles are also called Coins or Disks and are the equivalent of the Tiles, Bells and Diamonds from playing cards.
The Four of Pentacles are associated with security, stability, and material wealth. It can indicate Read more Four of Disks and the AI
Considering the Gregorian civil calendar, the first day of the year is the 19th, 20th or 21st of March, according to the day and hour the March Equinox occurs.
Working with the same Gregorian civil calendar, the first day of January Read more The first day of the year