Specitime and the definition of God

Sepher Yetzirah and Tarot

Sepher Yetzirah and Tarot
These sacred texts are always subject of interpretations.

‘Three Mothers: Alef Mem Shin
He engraved them, He carved them,
He permuted them, He weighed them,
And with them He depicted
Three Mothers AMSh in the Universe,
Three Mothers AMSh in the Year,
Three Mothers AMSh in the Soul,
male and female.’

Verse 3:3 from the Sepher Yetzirah reminded me of Read more Specitime and the definition of God

The complete pictorial key to the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck

The Complet Pictorial Key to the Unified Esoteric Tarot 1,2,3.
The Complet Pictorial Key to the Unified Esoteric Tarot 4,5,6.
The Unified Esoteric Tarot is the first ‘gender correct’ esoteric Tarot deck based on a revisited and innovative astrological Read more The complete pictorial key to the Unified Esoteric Tarot deck

The ‘onion conspiracy’

The onion conspiracy
“Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists, this is known as the “illusion of truth” effect. Repetition only makes something seem true, individuals and masses may believe it is true. Still, factually Read more The ‘onion conspiracy’

The Magian Tarot and Postmodern theory

Stephen E. Flowers The Magian Tarok

Stephen E. Flowers The Magian Tarok
I bought this book a while ago, and although I still didn’t found time to read it throughout, this introductory chapter is fascinating.
I share a small fragment here in hope to open your appetite to buy and read the entire work.

“Many philosophers and historians of culture have come to the conclusion that the Western world is entering upon a new epoch of history. The changes that are sweeping the Westernized cultures are similar to those which swept across it with the coming of Christianity and the onset of the Middle Ages (in the early part of the first millennium CE), or the triumph of Scientism following the Renaissance (around 1500 CE). This later development led to what we call the Modern world today.
More recent changes, mainly in the late twentieth century, have Read more The Magian Tarot and Postmodern theory

The RWS Seven of Cups decrypted

27 Seven of Cups [work in progress]

27 Seven of Cups [work in progress]
Pamela Colman Smith has put a lot of work into the details of the Seven of Cups. On the other hand, in addition to the interpretation of the card, based on Etteilla’s work, this is everything that Waite considered sufficient to transmit: “Strange chalices of vision, but the images are more especially those of the fantastic spirit.”

From an esoteric perspective, and following the Christian dogma, the most relevant is that the number seven symbolises Read more The RWS Seven of Cups decrypted

The Fool (Excerpt)

78 The Fool [work in progress]

78 The Fool [work in progress]
Back in April, I started a large project which includes a Tarot inspired, esoteric, dystopian-crime novel. Here is a small excerpt from Chapter four, The Fool.

Chapter four, The Fool

“Those who will not reason are bigots, those who cannot are fools, and those who dare not are slaves.”
(Lord Byron, English poet, peer and politician)

Julian lited up another cigarette. The famous last one before the next. The last cigarette before quit smoking, the last cigarette before supper, the last cigarette before going to bed, the last cigarette before whatsoever. Occasionally, something big, significant, unforgettable like a drunken New Year’s Eve or a birthday party that has gone terribly wrong. Julian loved each and every one of his last cigarettes. They are were all special – and not only because it was problematic to get real cigarettes these days. Truthfully, Julian Read more The Fool (Excerpt)

Studying the Three of Swords

23 Three of Swords [work in progress]

23 Three of Swords [work in progress]
Three of Swords

Etteilla’s interpretation of the card.
Upright: Distance, departure, absence, difference, deviation, dispersion, distant, faraway, Read more Studying the Three of Swords

About the new Numerology course

ITF Numerology course

ITF Numerology course
Astrology and Numerology are not alternatives, but complementary methods of knowledge. These two branches of the esoteric science are deeply interconnected. St. Augustine of Hippo noted that “numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth.”
Mathematics is considered the language of God(s) and therefore, the language of creation. According to the Jewish mystical tradition Read more About the new Numerology course