Evolution is the result of conscious struggle

Evolution is the result of conscious struggle

Evolution is the result of conscious struggle
“Evolution is the result of conscious struggle. Nature does not need this evolution; it does not want it and struggles against it. Evolution can be necessary only to man himself when he realizes his position, realizes the possibility of changing this position, realizes that he has powers that he does not use, riches that he does not see. And, in the sense of gaining possession of these powers and riches, evolution is possible. But if all men, or most of them, realized this and desired to obtain what belongs to them by right of birth, evolution would again become impossible. What is possible for individual man is impossible for the masses.” (Gurdjieff)

The Upward Spiral

The Upward Spiral

The Upward Spiral
Life – and for that matter evolution – is an upward spiral.
But if we loose perspective, the spiral will be reduced to a circle and we’ll be trapped in a loop of a false reality called “living in the now”.
Today is the result of yesterday and tomorrow will be result from today.
Trapped “in the now”, living exclusively the present, you will repeat the same day each and every day like in a matrix.
Do you wanna live in a circle or spiral?
Do you wanna be a slave or your own master?
You wanna do your life or you wait that life happens to you?

Gotta Serve Somebody?

serve someboy

serve someboy Our world and our whole life is determined by a dualistic model of existence.
We are living and we are educated and cultivated to think, believe and live by this dualistic model.
I think this dualistic model it’s fundamentally wrong and basically this system keep us prisoners in a false reality.
Actually the universe is based not on two, but the existence of three energies (forces).
To entangle things further more, two of the basic energies of the system were exchanged, so right seems wrong and wrong seems right, creating more confusion in the human mind. Read more Gotta Serve Somebody?

A new year, a new beginning – the March Equinox

There are two equinoxes every year – in March and September. On the equinox, night and day are nearly exactly the same length – 12 hours – all over the world. This is the reason it’s called an “equinox”, derived from Latin, meaning “equal night”.
The March equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator – the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator – from south to north. This happens on March 19, 20 or 21 every year.
March Equinox in Universal Coordinated Time is on Sunday, 20 March 2016, 04:30 UTC. Read more A new year, a new beginning – the March Equinox

The human machine (The Beautiful People)

The Man maschine

“In order to know the future it is necessary first to know the present in all its details, as well as to know the past. If a man wants to know his own future he must first of all know himself.” (Gurdjieff)

The first step on our long journey to self-awareness and enlightenment is to know and understand how the human machine works. Read more The human machine (The Beautiful People)