Sunday, 3-card readings 03/02/2025

daily-3-card-readings-UET 03.02.2025

Ace of Cups rev. – Three of Disks rev. – Seven of Wands
Fears – Culpability – Challenges

Card of the day: Three of Disks rev.
Time: 10:40 to 11:20 AM

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”
Jim Rohn

– What should you focus on today?
– What mistake did you make?
– Why do you make the same mistakes?
– What makes you feel guilty?

The fears seem to be a returning theme. As I said, it is crucial to identify the origin of these fears. Modern Western medicine quite frequently deals with the effects of the illness Read more Sunday, 3-card readings 03/02/2025

LIVE 3-card readings 02.22.2025

02.22.2025. Saturday’s 3-card reading is on YouTube at 10 AM PST (Los Angeles), 1 PM EST (New York) and 6 PM GMT (London, UK) – including a Q&A session and free 3-card readings.

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Monday, 3-card readings 02/03/2025

Once again, beyond the effective reading, the issues discussed today are important and worth sharing with all of you.

Ace of Cups rev. – Eight of Cups rev. – King of Wands rev.
Fears – Jealousy – Apathy

Card of the day: Eight of Cups rev.
Time: 7:20 to 8 AM

“Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.”
Emily Dickinson

– What should you focus on today?
– Why are you jealous? What makes you jealous?
– What is the source of your insecurity?
– Why are you so afraid?

The answer to most questions is in the card representing past: fears.
Fears are quite interesting. Often, no reason justifies fear, no immediate threat, and there are no Read more Monday, 3-card readings 02/03/2025

Ten of Swords

10-28-2024-Ten of Swords

Monday, 3-card readings 10/28/2024

Two of Swords, Ten of Swords, and Lover
Diplomacy – Accumulation – Decision

Card of the day: Ten of Swords

“Everything that occurs is an accumulation of what you have knowingly or unknowingly set in motion.”
Steven Redhead

Should we be afraid of the Ten of Swords?
The Ten of Swords is more often associated with death than the Death card.
However, the frightening and gloomy perceptions are misinterpretations caused by Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith. Thanks to them and the subsequent efforts of Read more Ten of Swords

3-card readings 09-29-2024


Sunday, 09/29/2024.

Seven of Cups rev. (past), Ace of Swords rev. (present), and Chariot rev. (future)
Turbulences – Questions – Vulnerability

Card of the day: Ace of Swords reversed

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

For this week, I propose a slightly different approach.
Let’s try working Read more 3-card readings 09-29-2024

These Magic decks and their operating systems

Tarot decks

I have often heard people saying about one or another Tarot deck, “oh, that’s so beautiful, I need to have it!”
Although aesthetics are an important component of any product, when it comes to Tarot, it’s not how Read more These Magic decks and their operating systems

KS Ace of Swords

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Ace of Swords

Each Ace contains the seed of a future opportunity. The Ace of Swords represents a brilliant idea which with proper care, will grow and flourish. The Ace of Wands is Read more KS Ace of Swords

KS Seven of Swords

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Seven of Swords

Traditionally, the Seven of Swords is associated with theft, sneakiness, cunning and dishonesty. It can be interpreted as a situation in which one should find Read more KS Seven of Swords

KS Six of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Six of Wands

In terms of traditional cartomancy, the Six of Wands signify victory, achievement, stepping up.
Underneath the euphoria of Read more KS Six of Wands