UET Numerolgy

UET III Numerology

As I said, I’m rewriting and re-editing the Unified Esoteric Tarot handbook. Yesterday I was working on the Numerology section. Enjoy!

“There is a common misconception that Earth, the physical realm, is the lowest level of manifestation, while Fire is the purest and highest. That is incorrect and misguiding. God said, “let there be light” at the beginning of the creation, not at the end of the process. It is the first Read more UET Numerolgy


As I said, currently, I am working on a book about dream interpretation and Cartomancy. Yesterday I finished a sub-chapter about the importance of sleep. I hope you will find it helpful!

Scientist and professor Matthew Walker stated that insufficient and troubled sleep are key lifestyle factors determining one’s health and well-being. Regularly sleeping less than six or seven hours a night demolishes our immune system Read more Sleeping

The extra mile

The Complete Esoteric System

The difference between the ordinary and extraordinary is going that legendary extra mile.
Going the extra mile means that one is willing to make a special effort to achieve something.
It also reveals the difference between what is considered “exoteric”, the mundane life of the material world, and what is vaguely called “esoteric” and signifies the intangible “spiritual” world. One can settle for the obvious and tangible or can go the extra mile to discover the hidden. This world, however, is inaccessible for most people.
It took me twenty-five years of research, study and practical experience to have the outlines of my own esoteric system. It was not my intention to create a new system, but I wanted to understand and rectify the existing one. It was a task of backwards-engineering and rediscovering a lost, forgotten and altered system. In that regard, it is not “my system” but the system as it was originally designed. My only merit is walking that extra mile. My instruments were questioning, verifying, comparing, and take nothing for granted. The idea that “everything we know is wrong” haunted me. I always felt that something was not right, but I could not put my finger exactly on what was that. (…)
My first significant breakthrough was discovering what somewhat ironically I called “the God’s formula,” and which is three by four makes twelve. Identifying what the threes are, respectively, the fours throughout all the branches of the esoteric sciences, became my primordial working method. (…)
I published the core of my findings along with my first Tarot deck, the Unified Esoteric Tarot, in 2018.

Full text is available exclusively at https://www.patreon.com/attilakarpathy

Breaking the patterns

Breaking the patterns

William G. Gray said that “We live in patterns because we have to. They are inescapable. The Cosmos is a pattern. So are we. There are patterns of Spirit, Soul, Mind, and Body extending through all states of existence. (…)
The basic facts are simple enough. We live between Read more Breaking the patterns

The plagues that threaten our way of thinking

According to the dictionaries, reset means setting, adjusting, or fixing in a new or different way. In my opinion, the “reset” is not a one-time procedure, but it is happing planned and gradually for thousand years. However, the evidence of the previous resets was smoothly removed made it impossible to trace. What individuals such as Klaus Schwab today call “the great reset” is only part of a much larger plan and another phase of the same programme. It is impossible to understand the plan because we only see its fragments, apparently unrelated events, and we lack perspective.
The thing I noticed is that often Read more The plagues that threaten our way of thinking

The ‘onion conspiracy’

The onion conspiracy
“Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists, this is known as the “illusion of truth” effect. Repetition only makes something seem true, individuals and masses may believe it is true. Still, factually Read more The ‘onion conspiracy’

The Fool (Excerpt)

78 The Fool [work in progress]

78 The Fool [work in progress]
Back in April, I started a large project which includes a Tarot inspired, esoteric, dystopian-crime novel. Here is a small excerpt from Chapter four, The Fool.

Chapter four, The Fool

“Those who will not reason are bigots, those who cannot are fools, and those who dare not are slaves.”
(Lord Byron, English poet, peer and politician)

Julian lited up another cigarette. The famous last one before the next. The last cigarette before quit smoking, the last cigarette before supper, the last cigarette before going to bed, the last cigarette before whatsoever. Occasionally, something big, significant, unforgettable like a drunken New Year’s Eve or a birthday party that has gone terribly wrong. Julian loved each and every one of his last cigarettes. They are were all special – and not only because it was problematic to get real cigarettes these days. Truthfully, Julian Read more The Fool (Excerpt)