July 2024 (report)

Monthly Charts 07 July 2024

This month’s report will be shorter due to some health issues I struggle with.

Long story short, I have had an odd pain in my left shoulder and arm for over a month now, but I have chosen to ignore it. I thought it was a twisted nerve or some muscular damage due to workout exercises.
However, last week, instead of Read more July 2024 (report)



I will start by quoting (again) Gurdjieff, one of my teachers.

“This is almost all that can be said in general about the ‘stairway’ and about the ‘way,’ because there are different ways. We have spoken of this before. And, for instance, on the fourth way there are special conditions which cannot be on the other ways. Thus the conditions for ascending the stairway on the fourth way are that a man cannot ascend to a higher step until he places another man upon his own step. The other, in his turn, must Read more Tutoring