May 2023 Report

May 2023

On May 1, Pluto turns retrograde, a phase which lasts until October 11. It moves back into Capricorn in June and will not re-enter Aquarius until January 2024.
The Tarot card associated with Pluto is the Tower. A card of dramatic changes and reshufflings originated from the outside of us. Unexpected changes, losses, and unfortunate Read more May 2023 Report

360 degrees Astrology and the Ten Sefirot

Jacobs ladder

I have several books dealing with 360 degrees Astrology.
Some of these, like Charubel or Antonio Borelli (or Bonelli), were published in the 1800s, others, like Lind Weber, are pretty recent, a work published in 2017. Many of these books may have older roots and known or unknown sources.
While these works are Read more 360 degrees Astrology and the Ten Sefirot

Immortality and rebirth

UET the formula

Good Friday, also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Great and Holy Friday, and Black Friday, is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum.
According to the Biblical account, Jesus died on Friday and was resurrected three days later.
The traditional liturgical observation of Easter, as practised Read more Immortality and rebirth


The Tarot Winter

Epictetus said that “wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”
I think most people cannot discern between wants and needs. We want things we don’t need, and we need things we don’t want.
For instance, people want enlightenment but are rarely willing to make the effort to get there. Instant gratification is an illusion generated by consumerism and the New Age type of misinterpretation of ancient teachings.
Some people are Read more Winter

The simplest key to life and trading

UET Zodiac Wheel

Recently several people approached me interested in using esoteric knowledge for trading and market predictions.
I admit I am unfamiliar with stock exchanges, trading practices and the work of W. D. Gann.
However, at a quick glance, the similarity between Gann’s and my approach to Astrology is that both are geometry based.
Unlike other methods and previous attempts, the Unified Esoteric System, embedded into Read more The simplest key to life and trading

Spreads and diagrams

Yearly, hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly spreads and diagrams

“Lucrative dreaming” is a thing of mine.
It goes back to my childhood, long before I had any involvement in esoteric matters.
Often when I was stuck in some “unsolvable” issue during the day, I dreamt the solution over the night in my dreams.
Yesterday I worked for almost the whole day on the yearly reading for somebody. That is a sixteen-cards spread, including the three cards spread for the general vibe, a year card and another twelve cards, one for each month. Read more Spreads and diagrams