KS Page of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Page of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Page of Wands
The conflict within the Page of Wands arouses from a restless mind and fiery temper. The wind intensifies the fire. Although they Read more KS Page of Wands

KS Seven of Cups

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Seven of Cups

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Seven of Cups
The Seven of Cups is a difficult card to read. Probably more than in any other case, it is a matter of Read more KS Seven of Cups

KS The Fool

Karpathy-Smith Tarot The Fool

Karpathy-Smith Tarot The Fool

I think that The Fool is the most mysterious and impossible to pinpoint cards of the entire Tarot deck. While traditionally the Major Arcana cards are Read more KS The Fool

KS King of Cups

Karpathy-Smith Tarot King of Cups

Karpathy-Smith Tarot King of Cups
Wealth regarding the King of Cups refers to emotional wealth, the depth of Read more KS King of Cups

KS Eight of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Eight of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot Eight of Wands
Generally speaking, the Eight of Wands is considered a card of action: something Read more KS Eight of Wands

KS King of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot King of Wands

Karpathy-Smith Tarot King of Wands
Upright: ardour, country man, good and honest man.
Reversed: apathy, indulgence, austerity, tolerance, condescension.

Most readers see in the Kings the dominant (patriarchal) father’s figure. But it is truly the case? Not all the rulers were Read more KS King of Wands

Join me on an exciting creative-enlightening journey

Two of Cups [work in progress]

Two of Cups [work in progress]
Last December, I was exhausted. I am working for a while now on a Cartomancy manual which will be divided into four large volumes, and it was conceived as a step by step, initiatory process. Although it is roughly based on my three decades on research, study and practical experience, on things I have written and especially on the accompanying book for my first published Tarot deck, the re-writing and re-editing process wear me entirely down. So, last December, I decided to allow my self a small break from work. Those who know me by now knows that ‘break’ in my case means another kind of work, respectively focusing on another project.
Some of you also may notice my interest in so-called dystopian literature, especially Read more Join me on an exciting creative-enlightening journey

The four bodies

The four bodies

The four bodies
Gurdjieff said: “According to an ancient teaching, traces of which may be found in many systems, old and new, a man who has attained the full development possible for man, a man in the full sense of the word, consists of four bodies. These four bodies Read more The four bodies

Relationship and third-party readings

third-party readings

third-party readings
(Beeswax [Encaustic] Collage: “The Cartomancer” by Joanna Powell Colbert. Source gaiansoul.com)
The most frequently asked questions are regarding issues concerning our relationships. I would say this is something natural; humans are emotional creatures. It is also a fact that most people are looking for answers or guidance when the circumstances are not as they wanted to be. When everything is peaceful and peachy, nobody needs a cop, a doctor, a priest, a therapist, a shoulder to cry on or an astrologer, a numerologist or a cartomancer. People generally seek out Read more Relationship and third-party readings

Manual of Cartomancy, coming soon

Manual of Cartomancy (book cover)

Manual of Cartomancy (book cover)
As probably the vast majority of the card readers, I also started backwards. I have begun with reading the cards; only afterwards, I started studying and learning. Three decades later, I am still learning. I have got to the conclusion that learning is an ongoing and never-ending process. The day I will stop being a student is the day I will probably die.
Cartomancy is the art of reading the cards. (…)

The “Manual of Cartomancy” is Read more Manual of Cartomancy, coming soon