Judgement (The Aeon)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Last Judgement

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Last Judgement Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: judgment, devotion, intelligence, conception, reason, common sense. Reasoning, comparison. Point of view, clue, though. Opinion, sentiment, dissolution.
Reversed: arrest, decree, deliberation, decision, weak spirit, pusillanimity. Simplicity.

The Sun is the star at the centre of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, with an internal convective motion that generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process. It is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth.
The Sun, the giver of life, represents our conscious mind in Astrology.
Solar deities play a significant role in many world religions and mythologies. The ancient Sumerians believed that the sun was Utu, the god of justice and twin brother of Inanna, the Queen of Heaven, who was identified as planet Venus. Later, Utu was identified with the East Semitic god Shamash.

Upright: life, self, ego, energy, passion, power, authority, truth.
Reversed: death, putrefaction, laziness, exhaustion.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

The Lovers

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, The Lover

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, The Lover Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: marriage, union, junction, assembly, link, connection or tie, chain, slavery, bondage, discomfort, difficulty, captivity, servitude.
Reversed: society, contacts, alloy, mixture, blending. Peace, concord, agreement, harmony, good terms.

Taurus is the Latin for “bull”. The Age of Taurus is considered the Age of Earth and the Age of Agriculture. Cults centred around sacred bulls were found in Assyria and Egypt.

Upright: stability, steadiness, patience, generosity, dedication, affectionate.
Reversed: self-indulgent, stubborn, passive, possessive, obsessive, grasping.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

The Devil

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, The Devil

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, The Devil Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: force majeure, great movement, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, strength, exceptional power, Powers, energy, impulse. Moments of genius. Robbery, violence, physical work.
Reversed: lightness, weakness, smallness, failure.

Greek mythology associates Sagittarius with the centaur Chiron, who mentored Achilles, the Greek hero of the Trojan War, in archery.
Sagittarius, the half-human and half horse, is the centaur of mythology, the learned healer whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven. Also known as the Archer, Sagittarius is represented by the symbol of a bow and arrow.

Upright: wisdom, adventure, confidence, generosity, expansion.
Reversed: unreliability, restlessness, insensitivity, self-righteousness.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

King of Disks

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, King of Disks

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, King of Disks Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: useful, advantage, gain, profit, interest. Profitable, interesting, advantageous, important, necessary, obliging, unofficial or informal.
Reversed: peace, tranquillity, rest, sleep, apathy, inertia, stagnation, inactivity, idleness. Leisure, pastime. Recreation, carefreeness, nonchalance, indolence, sloth, laziness, numbness, sluggishness, discouragement, annihilation or destruction.

King of Disks – Venus in Taurus (Spring)
Upright: affectionate, warm, sensual, loving, stable, steady, predictable, loyal, indulgent, artistic talents.
Reversed: possessive, jealous, slow, stubborn, conservative.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

King of Swords

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, King of Swords

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, King of Swords Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: soldier, swordsman, a man of arms, master of fencing, a hired assassin, bully. Soldier or man skilled in the use of any weapon, combatant, enemy. Dispute, war, combat, battle, duel. Attack, defence, opposition, resistance, destruction, ruin, reversal, overthrow or change of direction. Animosity, hatred, anger, resentment. Courage, bravery, valour, gallantry.
Reversed: incompetence, ineptitude, stupidity, foolishness, folly. Imprudence, impertinence, extravagance, eccentricity, ridiculousness, nonsense. Unreasonableness, swindle, fraud, roguishness, mischievousness.

King of Swords – Moon in Aquarius (Winter)
Upright: observant, analytical, clever, kind, sociable, unpredictable, quirky, humanitarian, idealistic, progressive, compassionate, intellectual, intuitive, independent.
Reversed: aloof, detached, proud, forgetful, egoistic, stubborn, messy and critical.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

King of Wands

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, King of Wands

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, King of Wands Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: departure, displacement, removal, absence, abandonment, change, escape, desertion, transmigration, emigration. Transposition, translation, transplantation, transmutation, evasion.
Reversed: disunion, disagreement, break, dissent, division, competition, separation, partition. Faction, party. Quarrel or feud, altercation. Cut, fracture, discontinuity, interruption.

King of Wands – Saturn in Leo (Summer).
Upright: cautious, controlled, disciplined, focused, a strong need for recognition, creativity, but find it difficult to express it.
Reversed: bossy, egocentric, rigid, strict, jealousy, uncooperative.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

Ace of Wands

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Ace of Wands

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Ace of Wands Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: source, principle or origin, primacy; birth, beginning;
Reversed: dying, falling, decaying, surrendering; guilt, error, contempt, depression, discouragement; decay, decline, disappearance, decrease, dissipation, failure, bankruptcy.

Ace of Wands – The element of Fire representing the spark of life and it is associated with Spring.
The Ace of Wands signifies a burst of energy; it is a signal for a new beginning and represents enormous potential. It can indicate either a financial gain, fame or public recognition for an achievement. It also means sexual attraction, respectively acting based on instinct and impulses.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

Ace of Disks

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Ace of Disks

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Ace of Disks Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: perfect contentment, happiness, well-being, rapture, enchantment, ecstasy, wonder, complete satis-faction, total joy, inexpressible pleasure, the colour red, perfect medicine, solar medicine, pure, accom-plished.
Reversed: sum, capital, principle. Treasure, wealth, opulence. Rare, dear, precious, priceless.

Ace of Disks – The element of Earth represents the material world, and it is associated with Winter.
The Ace of Disks represents the materialisation of all the efforts and refers to the practical aspects. It is a card signifying work, persistence, respectively fulfilment, accomplishment and success. It also means message: traditionally it can be a letter, or it can be an e-mail or a phone call.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

King of Cups

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, King of Cups

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, King of Cups Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: Arrival, coming, approaching, access. Reception, entrance, Admittance, rapprochement. Conformity, advent, approximation, accession. Crowd. Comparison.
Reversed: Mischief, villainy, trickery, ruse, artifice, deception, cunning, scam. Finesse or refinement, adroitness, versatility, pliability, cheating. Subtlety, irregularity. Wickedness or baseness.

King of Cups – Mars in Scorpio (Autumn)
Upright: emotional, magnetic, complex, mysterious, determined, strong-willed, proud and dignified. Passionate and sensual. Sex is an all-encompassing experience; it is intensely erotic, both physically and emotionally. However, they can be a bit obsessive and may be attracted to the darker side of sex. It might be fascinated with the occult, death and challenges.
Reversed: obsessive, extreme, secretive, provocative, jealous and controlling.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot

Ace of Swords

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Ace of Swords

Traditional Divinatory Tarot, Ace of Swords Fortune-telling interpretation:
Upright: misunderstanding or disagreement. Extreme, extensive, excessive. Exaggerated, furious or over-whelming, quick-tempered. Extremely, passionately, excessively. Vehemence, animosity, transport or out-burst, fit of anger, anger, violent passion, rage or mania. Extremity, borders, confines, tip, limits. Last breath, farthest extremity.
Reversed: fertilisation, production, composition. Enlargement, increase, multiplicity. Pregnancy, germ, seed or semen, sperm, matter, making pregnant, generating or breeding, conception, fructification, labour or delivery, childbirth.

Ace of Swords – The element of Air represents thoughts – the mind –, and it is associated with Autumn.
Traditionally, the Ace of Swords relates to challenges, endings and death. Although, generally speaking, the Swords are associated with unpleasant experiences, often the outcome is releasing and enlightening. Only when these experiences are completed, one can move on to a new phase of life. On the other hand, identifying Air with the wind, the Ace of Swords may be considered the wind of changes. The old, eroded, consumed things must be swept away, and one has to create room for the new experiences.

78 + cover and bulk card deck, 330gsm superior quality smooth card stock.
The cards feature upright and reversed meaning, astrological, numerological and kabbalistic attributions.
8-sided, accordion, printed mini-booklet with 5 card spreads and further instructions.
PLUS, 24 pages A5 digital booklet, Cartomancy Class One PDF for FREE included!

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – REGULAR EDITION 62 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in white, window tuck box)

TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – DELUXE EDITION 78 USD (shrink-wrapped and delivered in a custom rigid box)

Traditional Divinatory Tarot