Annual Tarot spread with 16 cards

Annual Tarot spread with 16 cards

What about a 16 cards spread? This is an excellent spread if you’re interested in the evolution of your life or a specific problem, situation in the following 12 months. This spread it’s recommended for looking into the development of a problem throughout a whole year. Just keep in mind that the new year begins at the March equinox (or Northward equinox, vernal equinox – in the northern hemisphere), which can be as early as March 19 or as late as March 21. You also can look into a new year of your own life calculated from your date of birth, as well as you can pick any other event as starting point (date of starting a new job, a new business, a new relationship, etc). Read more Annual Tarot spread with 16 cards

What’s your Tarot card?

What's your Tarot card?

One of the most frequent questions I have got it is: what it is my Tarot card? Well, most of the Tarot readers pick one of the Major Arcana (Trumps) card corresponding to your zodiac sign. I think it is incorrect. Those cards represent our higher aspiration, what we should become, not who we were born. The proper choice is the card representing the decan we were born. Those are the 36 numbered cards from 2 to 10 of each suit (colour). Even most of the astrologers ignore this aspect, but the decan based Astrology it is more relevant than the zodiac based one. The decan based Astrology reveals 36 types of personalities instead of the traditional 12 zodiac signs. Read more What’s your Tarot card?

Pathfinder – 7 cards Tarot spread

Tarot Spread 05 7 card pathfind

Sometimes the answer is right in front of us, but we still can not see it. All the answers are within us; we only have to close our eyes and search for them deep inside, beneath the surface. From my experience, people reach out to fortune tellers to avoid making decisions and taking responsibilities. Nobody will make the right calls instead of us, nobody will make the heavy lifting instead of us, and generally, there is no easy way out or free ride through life. However, Tarot cards can help us make the best possible decisions and make some educated guesses.
The Pathfinder is a good seven-card Tarot spread for looking at the way things are heading in the inquirer’s life or regarding a particular issue. It shows the current trends, the influences and it gives helpful insights and on what the inquirer can do to improve and what pitfalls there are to avoid. The Tarot is a sophisticated instrument of self-improvement, it will not take decisions instead of us, but can help us make decisions easier.

Shuffle and cut the cards three times then pick seven cards. Place them as it showed face down. Turn them over one by one to read and interpret.


1st card – Present, current situation.
2nd card – Influences from the past.
3rd card – Near future, the direction according to our current choices and actions.
4th card – Obstacles that the querent must overcome or avoid.
5th card – Surprises. Unexpected happenings or influences.
6th card – Suggestions and tips for the querent: what to avoid.
7th card – Suggestions and tips for the querent: what needs to be done.

3 cards reading: $29
5 cards reading: $49
7 cards reading: $59
10-12 cards reading: $72
15-16 cards reading: $99
21 cards reading $135.00
55 cards reading: $320
78 cards reading: $390

Before ordering 55 or 78 cards reading, please contact me to discuss details and options. Thank you!

Number of cards

Tarot Spread 05 7 card Pathfind

Relationship Circle – 7 cards Tarot spread

Relationship Circle - 7 card Tarot spread

Love is one of the most profound and powerful emotions known to human beings. Most people seek a long term romantic relationship with a compatible partner. For those, romantic relationships are the most meaningful element in their lives, providing a source of deep fulfilment. The ability to have a lasting relationship is not innate. We have to learn to love ourselves, to love each other and ultimately to make some healthy compromises. Read more Relationship Circle – 7 cards Tarot spread

Necronomicon Tarot deck

The Necronomicon Tarot brings the phantasmagoric desert wanderings of Alhazred to life in a stunningly visceral deck and companion book. Seventy-eight captivating illustrations by fantasy artist Anne Stokes capture the mythic and monstrous world of Tyson’s Necronomicon while remaining true to the underlying structure and tradition of tarot. Read more Necronomicon Tarot deck

The Vampires Tarot of the Eternal Night

Lo Scarabeo has always made quality tarot decks. Since 1987, this company has produced over 100 tarot decks. You would think after all this time it would be tough to out do themselves, or to find a way to be different than they have already been. Well, with the Vampire Tarot of the Eternal Night they have managed the seemingly impossible. Read more The Vampires Tarot of the Eternal Night

Dark Angels Tarot

One of the great joys of Tarot is the sheer decadence of art—both in quantity and quality. Each deck gives us seventy-eight (seventy-nine if we count the back) images. If you think about it, that’s quite a lot; more than many exhibits or shows. The Dark Angels Tarot puts in your hands seventy-nine (because I’m including the back) exquisite treasures. Read more Dark Angels Tarot