A new chart design, Ethereum, June 4 2023

Ethereum 4 June 2023 new chart design

Last week my main focus was to redesign the Seven-pointed Star charts.

The original charts featured a graphical representation of the concept: the Star of Babylon, the Heptagram (a seven-pointed star), incorporated into my Zodiac-based Tarot Wheel.
I used Read more A new chart design, Ethereum, June 4 2023

The charts of the Seven-pointed Star

NYSE June 07 2023

Many people asked me about how these charts are made or how they should read them.
I can only repeat what I have previously stated repeatedly. It is not one thing but many and how they interplay.
The foundation of these charts is Astrology.
I build upon the astrological chart of Read more The charts of the Seven-pointed Star

Ethereum and the seven-pointed star

Ethereum Daily charts MAY 22 2023

Many people asked what is the seven-pointed star and what we can do with it.
While I have created this tool, the man who gets the most out of it is Matt. Therefore, I would suggest to follow him on Twitter @insidethecandle and join his exclusive Discord Read more Ethereum and the seven-pointed star

May 2023 Report

May 2023

On May 1, Pluto turns retrograde, a phase which lasts until October 11. It moves back into Capricorn in June and will not re-enter Aquarius until January 2024.
The Tarot card associated with Pluto is the Tower. A card of dramatic changes and reshufflings originated from the outside of us. Unexpected changes, losses, and unfortunate Read more May 2023 Report

Graphic accuracy

Moon in GD Numerals

Today is Full Moon, also called Pink Moon, after the pink flowers that bloom in spring.
Therefore, I have chosen a Moon-related topic.

I often get this question, should we study the images of the Tarot cards?
It depends from one deck to another. For instance, the Magic Tarot by Frédéric Lionel is a deck Read more Graphic accuracy


The Tarot Winter

Epictetus said that “wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”
I think most people cannot discern between wants and needs. We want things we don’t need, and we need things we don’t want.
For instance, people want enlightenment but are rarely willing to make the effort to get there. Instant gratification is an illusion generated by consumerism and the New Age type of misinterpretation of ancient teachings.
Some people are Read more Winter

The simplest key to life and trading

UET Zodiac Wheel

Recently several people approached me interested in using esoteric knowledge for trading and market predictions.
I admit I am unfamiliar with stock exchanges, trading practices and the work of W. D. Gann.
However, at a quick glance, the similarity between Gann’s and my approach to Astrology is that both are geometry based.
Unlike other methods and previous attempts, the Unified Esoteric System, embedded into Read more The simplest key to life and trading